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The Fate of a Crown

The Fate of a Crown



Word Count: 1034    |    Released on: 21/11/2017

e envelope in his left hand, clipping its right edge with his desk shears, and then removing the inclosure and carefully reading it before he ret

nstead of adding it to the letters before him, he laid it aside; and a few minutes later reverted to it again, giving the letter a second careful perusal. Deeply musing,

of unusual importance. Yet the old gentleman calmly continued his work until every letter the mail contained wa

"how would you li

to this blunt question

I shook my head. "He is one of the oldest customers of the house. His patronage

g his name upon the book

y man. But I believe this retirement has been bad for him. His energetic nature woul

"Some people make a business of politics, a

cle n

ings are vastly different in Brazil. I am sorry to s

ded: "I have supposed that Dom Pedro is secure upon

n to an imperial form of government. Rebellions have been numerous during his reign. Indeed, these 12people of Brazil seem rapidly becoming republ

Pintra!" I cr

danger in opposing established monarchies, and in this case the E

o this he paused, and ag

is surrounded by the emperor's spies. Even the members of his own household may be induced to betray him. Indeed, I imagine my old friend in a very hot-bed of intrigue a

rtle me. Those accustomed to meet Nelson Harcliff

spare m

nly willing you should go, but I ask you, as a personal favor, to hasten to Rio and serve my friend faithfully, protecting him, so far as you may be able, from the da

ation was, after all, as simple as it was sudden in development, and my uncle's earnest voice 14and eyes emphasized his request in no uncertain manner. Would I go? Would I, a young man on the threshold of life, with pulses readily responding t

have seriously displeased my reserved and deliberate uncle. Therefore I occupied several minutes in

cle, I w

e letter in the blue envelope. "The Castina sails on Wednesday, I see, and Dom Miguel wishes his new s


d my uncle's grave bow

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