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The Fate of a Crown


Word Count: 1522    |    Released on: 21/11/2017

ange visitor. He did not wear a mask, as did so many of the conspirators, even in the

t in height and finely proportioned, so that his presence fairly dominated us and

Dom Miguel, whose face wore a sad and tired expression. I immediat

"I present you to General

al of the forces of the Revolutionary party. I had never seen the great man before, as his duties required

lack eyes as I stood before him. It seemed to search out my every thought, and I had the sensatio

ment he had seized my hand and gripped it

e rest of your

s learned my secret, it is true; but she i

her estrangement from that scoundrel, Leon de Mar. Men are seldom traitors, for they dare not face t

d sudden

h for Senhora Izabe

I an

m smile. "Never trust a woman in politics. But

startled by

me!" he

eneral," said I, nettled by his manner. "I am here to se

ed my back upon him, facing Dom Miguel, ov

king beneath his cloak, 95and his spurs clicking like cas

"your daughter and your friend. They a

a's face

cluding yourself, General-has done more to serve the Cause. I have l

d drew a folded paper

Miguel's hand. "It is a copy of the report

then gave it to me, at the same t

contained 96important records of the conspiracy. It was built of double plates of steel, and the entrance was guarded by a cleverly constructed door, which could only be unlocked by means of a stone set i

Francisco Paola now?" inquired

f invent the secre



years. Is it no


la has kept this s

the vault was stored with all our funds a

Minister of Police, has been driven to mak

, and the huge general snorted and

mean?" dema

arded to the Emperor or is on the way to him. Therefore he has forestalled Madam Izabel's report, in order that he may prove his department vigilant in serving the government, and so protect his high office. Can you not see that Paola's claim that he is working to secure the r

Then the general's brow unbent

r Paola to get himself deposed, or even suspected, at this j

this copy of the rep

e of our

it to you. It is a warning, gentlemen. We must not delay in acting

is that?" a

He sat thoughtfully c

event. To-morrow we will pack everything in chests and carry them to 99Senhor Bastro, who has a safe

uarding the usual appr

to me in the morning. I will also summon some of our nearby patri

not abandon too soon the vault we constructe

r apar

nd put a guard at her door. We must not le

igh. "It may be," he continued, hesitatingly, "t

k about him, glanced at the clock, 100and str

one Dom Migue

?" sa

ke Fonseca,"

st valuable leader the Cause can boast. Moreover, Fonseca has risked everything in our enterprise, and may be implicitly trusted. When at last we strik

tired to my little room next the study. Dom Miguel slept in a

ft me nervous and wakeful, and it was some

on my should

Dom M

" he cried, in trembling ton

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