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Wild Justice

Chapter 10 10

Word Count: 2416    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

but what? The problem was two-fold: what to do about the possibility that Trenchant would bring a

he clause in her contract that designates she's first in the

r plagiarism. If we fired her, even justifiably,

editing her first and making t


rk, I heard about some special

an a hit man? That wouldn

follow through with what you are presented with. It may be e

ugh on this and we'll give

odded in agreement a

fice. Ah, there he was. "Andy, no names, please.

e. How the

n where you told me about


t me in tou


ks, l

served for Smith as he had been instructed. It was amazing how thos

sed, obviously well educated man w

ave need of our services

a foolproof forgery that will not be exposed if t

e by the number of words and the number of papers or

that is

ho are trained in document examination. They know what a document examiner looks for and what tips them off to call something a

re these are included in their forgeries. They first find all the characteristics, even the microscopic ones, of the in

akes time,

k it would be difficult since they work fairly

. These people are paid very well for what they do and they know they are protect

ave worked for years for very little. That's

pied onto these blue forms, but I'm going to have to settle for these three short ones.

Someone else takes the material to her or him. That's another thing that makes our service so excellent. I will use a

copies since you will not get the originals back. They will be, 'consumed' perhaps is the best word for it, in the forgery process. Most commercial document examiners will accept copi

hem. They sat in the secluded booth an

s as you represented. The professionals have authenticated it." He listened briefly, then said, "We are goi

e hour with the accessories and balan

dback Forms and a sheet with the typewritten messages that had been created to be forged onto them. He looked to see

give her qualifications which were concerned with her tra

d severely, in browns and blacks which made her look perky and birdlike. Peering at the hearing p

and strong. She had learned well that when one was giving e

ritiques as being written by Trenchant. Her language was laced with the correctness of one accustomed to giving court appearance

rtainty was not possible since they contained printing and I was not

nd combination of letters photographed and enlarged from t

are writing and printing that are authenticated. That is, that are definitely established to be written or printed by the person

existing in the way the letters were formed-making her case that the documen

and the panel was most engrossed and f

ke most professionals, they were deeply interes

what her answer would be and wanted to pin this


who were consistently challenged to prove or disprove their

rate, what percent of the time hav

e the courts accepte

ns. How many times are you right

judge or jury look at the whole

ny. I want to know the percentage of error in yo


been calculated?" dem

re is resear

t and then back at the document examiner, disdain and dis

sked if the courts accepted handwriting a

ripped confi

eons that compelled women to defer to men, rewarded them for fearlessly attacking other women. The confident, assertive demea

ther at times with the force of a mob to attack another woman. This behavior was

n the display you have shown that are very differe


g, "those T's ha

eriority. "If there is a large sample of writing you may be able to see differences in each letter. The samples given me were so small that this was not the case

examiners agree with you or agree

n't k

aminers oppose eac

thing. Assuming that there are two document examiners, it wou

a question of being correct in your analysis a

I understand you are court qual

ications have been accepted by the court. I h

ant that she might ask questi

made the point that many of these had not been given her before the hearing a

copies. Continuing her questioning of the witness, she asked, "You must be awar

I saw the originals of t

"But only copies

rect," to escape be

I put it to you. Is this something you were told, or do you know of your own kn

hat?" Anuse

er. Specifically, did I write those standards in front of

at I was given were authentic exempl

that I wrote the qu

It has been pointed out that some of us see many dissimilarities

ice-versa, that would be the basis for my opinion," Alice answered, the

s. I'm glad that we clarified tha

exemplars were not authenticated. He would probably have succeeded had not the examiner bee

was delighted to see anything working in Diana's favor. Evidence was evidence and courts made it clear that you couldn't manufacture it. Evid

nted her previous thought. Actually, she amended, it would never have gotten this far. It would have stopped

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