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The Stowmarket Mystery

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 2259    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


Table of

" was the q

ral influence in relation to

to his services to King George during the '45 Rebellion. There was some trouble about a sequestered estate-now our place in Scotland-which bel

in Brett, "this

the first fought and died in fr

o study the moulding in t

fter a heavy drinking bout, the second Sir Alan Hume-Frazer cut his

able coin

long interval occurred. Again a small child became the heir. Three years ago the fourth baronet expired whilst the library w

t closer to the wall. At the proper distance he stretch

s, Smith," he cried,

whisky or brandy, Mr

e you I am quite ser

n a runaway steam-engine would take me to Beechcroft. I

ir to the title, yet each hoped that in his person the tragic sequence would be broken. Oddly

s has he for

eadiness to accept signs and

and handed them to Brett. The latter examined the seal with deep interest. It was cut into a

r the motto," he

s et a

bold.' A stiff-n

r Burke's "General Armoury."

anything ab

ng wha

is: 'A stag's head, erased argent, charged wi

s; but why does it app

rom the body, the severed part being jagged like the teeth of a saw. And

d points signify the founder of the baronetcy and his four lineal descendants. Moreover,

d his chin t

ome member of the College of Heralds should evolve these armorial bearings with t

not forget

it t

ct that I dreamed my cousin was in some mortal danger, and that my exclamation 'He is murdered!' was really a startled commen

o-day because they thought they could construc

was innocent. Moreover, I kn

en the redoubtable Dobbie was afraid of the jury. His face must have conveye

f the man coming in to put some coal on the fire. In a sub-conscious fashion I knew that it was not my cousin, but a servant. I settled down a trifle more comfortably, and everything became a blank. Then I thought I awoke. I looked out through the windows, and, to my astonishment, it was broad daylight. The trees, too, were covered with leaves,

eir faces. They wore frilled waistcoats, redingotes with huge lapels and turned-back cuffs, three-cornered hats, and gigantic boots. They dismounted when close to the house. One man held both horses; the other advanced. I was just going to look him straight in the face when another figure appeared, coming from that side of the ha

is was all in dumb show. Not a word did I hear. My amazed wits were fully taken up with noting their clothes, their postures,

bler. Brett said not a word, but sat intent, abs

her as if they meant it. There was no stopping to take breath, nor drawing apart after a foiled attack. Each man tried to kill the other as speedily as possible. Three times they circled round in furious sword-play. Then the stranger got his point home. The other, in mortal agony, dropped his wea

ept huge drops of perspiration from his brow. But his class demands coolness in t

apparently lifeless. The stranger kissed his blood-stained sword, which required a strong tug before he could disengage it, rattled it back into the scabbard, rejoined his companion, and the two rode off, without once looking back. I can see them now, square-shoulde

hispered to me, 'Fear not, dearest; the wrong is avenged.' I awoke, to find the trembling butler shouting in my ear that his master was lying dead outside the house. Now, Mr. Brett, I ask you, would you have submi

s had lost their intensity. The mere telling of his uncanny experience had a soo

ipulated half hour," he said,

rried me back to 1763, but Heave

take up

uld throw aside the most remarkable

u succeed-and you inspire me with confidence-Helen

the whole of your

n of the duel between the first Sir Alan and his nephew. But my father knew it fairly

the neph

id H

p, and paced a

r Christian name is David. Your surname joins both fam

t has a tragi

e suffered. Miss Layton must be a very estimable young la

able to solve the riddle?

strange, but it will not serve in a court of law. I may fail, for the f

is eager auditor. The young

that I should go

ng, sacrifice even your own sentiments. That is the on

s ind

l and family knowledge to decide the knotty points sure to a


Then we will separate, to meet again at Liver

now, but he suddenly

to wire to Miss Layton. My man

miliarity of the barrister's words to one who, during many weary days, suspecte

hand, "You are a g

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