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The Stowmarket Mystery

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 2236    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

hind th

Table of

David Hume leaped up, but Brett anticipated him,

ful emotion, choking back a fierce impulse. For an instant the situat

ni, remain silent or leave us. How dare

object at that moment. It was necessary to stop the imminent outburst, for David Hume and Giovanni Capella were silently challenging each other

ever, unavoidable. My young friend here is determined, at all costs, to discover the secret of Sir Alan's murder. It is imperative that h

argaret's syllables might hav


till in lov


he wit

Hume b

has been faith

window and strode rapidly out of sight, passing to the left of the house

ly white. She pressed

will both be always welcome here. Let no one interf

the door. Her c

ill be all right soon. My heart troubles me. No. Do n

ow best to act. The situation had developed with a vengean

ow he wants to kill his own wife!"

y. For a long time-minutes it seemed to his fuming companion-he rema

the furniture the same? Is that the writing-table? What chair did you sit in? Where was

what by the barrister's volc

the marks of the implement used to force the lock. I think I sat in this chair, or one like it. It was placed here. My face was turned toward

each sentence. Brett followed his words and acti

day," he said. "Let us go at


iss Helen Layton. The ol

h. They had gone a hundred yards from the house whe

p speed, with the labouring breath of one unaccustomed to the exercise. The barrister sprang over the stri

towards the lodge gates. Where does it come

e avenue, close to the gates

rds the lodge. Capella is running to int

f. Hume followed, and soon they were near t

r!" gasp

hed curiosity. The barrister slowed down and quietly made his way to the leafy

nd him, and both men looked through a portion of th

le. A girl, dressed in muslin, and wear

It is Helen!"

sped his

ard you. I regret the necessity which makes us eavesdroppers, but it is a

olence of his exertion. Miss Layton was walking rapidly towards the sti

nt, wore the strained aspect of a w

who took th

e said pleasantly. "Why on

you, Miss Layton," replied the man,

use I could have beaten you ea

s not my

e. I will be late for luncheon. My father wished me to ascertain how Farmer Burton is progressin

nner was affected. She was really somewhat alarmed. Her eyes wandered to the high r

agonised accents. "I am consumed with love of

his own passionate desires could fail to note her lofty dis

To lo

a fortnight ago as to hint at your outrageous ideas regarding me, I forced myself to remember that you were not an Englishman, that perhaps in your country there may be a socia

otwithstanding her protestations, seemed to be anythi

muscles, preparatory to a leap thr

pered, as he clu

the moment they must have heard the rustling of the leaves. But t

ove you, I can at least defend you. David Hume-Frazer, the man who murdered my w

To whom

m say this not fif

him. He could not be her

do intend to marry t

hink you are what Englis

-that this man has

s, for keeping his presence here a secret. W

d. Hear me. My wife is dying. I will be free in a few months. Bid me to hope. I will not trouble you.

strove to take her in his arms, not indeed with intent to offer her any violence; b

r dress hampered her movements. The Italian, vowing his pa

rupture, Brett let go his hold on Hume. Indeed, if he had not

garette. What followed immediately h

prise, and certain other sounds which denoted that Giovanni w

came out of

n the park, sir?" sh

said. "Faust is kick

g, after taking thought; "but we ha

. They are of the be

object, which was to drive Mrs

ce came to

o, Davie! Do

, there's Miss Layto

xclaimed Brett, stooping over a cur

, sir, no. He'

t have been married very early. Here, my littl

odge-keeper's wife, when Brett passed through the smalle

e eldest, when I will be a grandmother

ple, who now appeared in the roadway. A haggard, dishevelled, and f

t screamed, "do you se


by her master's sudden appea

mitted to the grounds ag


imp. Mrs. Crowe watched him wonderingly, and tried to piece together

n in the cottage whe

tlemen in a whil


vid and the oth

the tall gen

en order that whenever they want to come to t

keep her own counsel, but when

aster can settle it with her. I d

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