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The Unknown Wrestler

The Unknown Wrestler



Word Count: 2064    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

withered face and threadbare clothes. His sightless eyes were turned toward the passing throng, and his head was slightly bent in an expectant attitude. But the hand that dr

g purpose burned in his soul an

ather's soft felt hat to receive the coins which were so very few. It was quite evident that she was

od," one gaily-dressed young fop

castic reply. "It's a wonder to me that suc

. My! they are some colour. She seems new to her job. Suppose we give her a jol

ame near where she was standing, one of them surged suddenly against her, causing her to drop the hat in alarm and start back, whi

ter, Nan?" he an

st me and knocked the hat out of my hand. I know they did it on purpose, for they went away laughing. Oh, w

been observing the blind violinist and the timid girl for several minutes. In his eyes was an expression of sympathy, wh

to interfere with th

had done the deed. "You get out of our way, and

ing eyes of the man before him. He was beginning to respect that towering form with the great broad shoulders and the hand that seemed to weigh a ton and the gripping fingers that were closing lik

me to do?" he a

hen apologise to the girl for

t do that, ye know. W

a great more if I have to drag you there b

thered, as if expecting some assistance. But not a friendly fac


re was nothing else for the young man to do, so with a face as pale as death he t

coins," was the

ns, who had been ahead of him, now stood near and jeered at his fruitless efforts. At length, straightening himse

nd anything

her you are sorry for what you did and th

the surprised and abashed girl. It was hard to understand what he said, but that did n

be thankful all the rest of your da

through the crowd. He grasped the situation in an instant, and when he saw t

" he asked, at the same

this time," was the reply. "He has been taught a

ed, and the stream of humanity surged along the street as before. The policema

" the man remarked. "I am so sorry

tance," the girl replied. "My father is very ti

turning to the violinist, at the same time taking the instru

y excited to explain anything. But when he heard the stranger speak to him he at once complied with his request and allowed him t

spirit of sympathy for the poor and unfortunate. They comprehended the purpose of the musician when they saw the feeble old man and the girl standing nearby. The hearts of many were strangely stirred, and they vied with one another in dropping money into the dusty hat which the girl was again holding forth. Silver mingled with bills, an

ger handing the violin to her father. She wanted to speak to him, to thank him

ing crowd once more surged on its way. But the girl di

We have done well to-night, and I am

atly confused and do not fully understand all that has taken place. You m

and I am afraid that I shall never see him again. Oh,

, and listened to his playi

reat innocence, Nan did not realise that greedy eyes were watching the bulging hat she was still hol

e place, when a policeman s

to accompany you home,"

look of fear which the polic

ere. It is not safe for you to go alone through the streets with all that

rl looked fearfully aro

hey are watching you, nevert

d, as they moved along by the side of the police

I can tell you. But I think you had better let me carry t

g to get quite nervous as they moved along through the crowds. She imagined

ery glad was the old man when at length they stop

an asked, as he handed the h

the country. This is a boarding place, and we have been here before. We are

oliceman replied. "But be careful of

l hugged it close to her brea

watched the house for a few minutes after the

hat money if I hadn't been along. I wonder how they'll make out getting away. Live in the countr

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