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A Romance of Billy-Goat Hill

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 2527    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

ornwood the aspect was most dreary; the low-lying ground in front of the house was under water for a quarter of a mile, trees, limp and draggled, stood disconsolate in an unf

ines trailed across the paths, all the fragrance and color seemed

icture, strove in vain to dispel the gloom. The parlor, at the right of the hall, was sepulchral with its window cracks stuffed with paper, and the shutters securely closed. To be sure, the living-room on the other side of the hall did its b

had constituted themselves a salvage corps, he surprised Miss Lady sitting in the dusk

; "you mustn't sit around in the dark

with a great show of cheerfulness lit the lamp

ked the Colonel; "sort

ered, blew it out and dropped it down his sleeve. "There's some mail over there

and even enumerated the con

the seed man, the Confederat

ng for


she turned abruptly to the window, while the C

remble in the middle of a sentence, or her eyes to brim with sudden tears, makin

eart? Why was she called upon to champion this young stranger's cause so hotly, to resent every insinuation, and to contend! passionately that he would be able to explain everything? Morley had not explained. Three days had dragged past and nothing had been heard from him. N

ths to celebrating Founders' Day at the old college. If it weren't for seeing all the old boy

reaking the news; "the thin ones I told

d Miss Lady, "bu

't need 'em. Fact

iss Lady, adding inco

eeled from the window where she had been tracing the raindrops on the pane, and made a rush for him,

. Uncle Jimpson is going to drive you in to t

sted the Colonel, sha

Where's your t

going." He said it firmly, but the next insta

o sorry I forgot to tell

hed in resignation; "no use

ing else. I am going to tell Uncle Jimpson to make a little fi

motion. In a short while she had a cheerful blaze going on the h

e meanwhile upon Miss Lady. He simply did not intend to have her unhappy! It was preposterous! Altogether out of the question! His little

unt Caroline from her knees beside a large wicker basket. "Don't lo

fully, "did you hear that? You have actua

of emphasizing the shortcomings of her lesser half, "'bo

pson, glad to shift responsibility. "She 'low she gwine to tak a

ced around: "Whe

Nebber did see dat chile tek so much notice

oting?" asked the Colonel

and arraigned before the court. Th

? What of hi

lose his eye, but that h

ng has been he

t y

Jimpson and Aunt Caroline removed, the Colonel and Miss Lady sat before the dying fire, and tried to mak

m up to his coming journey. "I'll miss old Professor Queerington, but John Jay w

es, Doctor

t! And just as good as he's smart. A little too much book learning maybe, and not any too much common sense, but there ain't many h

hat do you suppose they will do with

t him off. Old General Dillingham has plenty of money,

" began Miss Lady, "th

your little head about that trial. Go over there and play me

ling the charms of Annie Laurie, and was half way through Robin Adair before

t of his chair in an incredibly short time for so stout

said Miss Lady petulantly. "I

ake you cry like t

thing to te

e was her Daddy, he got her over to the sofa. Sitting on the floor with her arms across his knees, she wept with the abandonment of a child, while his sh

demanded. "What's troublin

d his nea

ou got to like him

d between

y?" he asked it jealou

t was a faint whisper,

t him?" the Co

s, then a resolute ef

w he did! He promised to give up dr

into the fracas, what in thunder did he run away for? Why didn't he stay and face it ou

his side yet. If I could jus

ob Carsey's got any buckshot left in his gun! Do you think there's any chance of his prowling 'round her

this time. Besides, he hasn't written or sent any wo

hings were going. I saw how he looke

now him. He will explain everythi

straight off from my girl, and getting mixed up in a scrape like this!

he exp

on't want him to. We are through with him from now on.

began to fling the things out

yes and quivering lips was so reminiscent of another face he had loved, that he broke down compl

e thought was his duty. Didn't mean to make her unhappy. Didn't have sense enough to bring up a girl. Had tried to, thou

with her little wet knot of a handkerchief, passionately declared that she would pr

k, I'll take the matter up. Sift it clean to the bottom. We'll give Morley every chance to square himself. But 'til then


kept through the years, what a lot of

hings back in his bag, and st

", he asked, studying her face

morning when you start. Have a good time,

and carried it to the step

girl," he

; from the porch without came the drip, drip, drip of the gutter. Still the Colonel sat in his split-bottom chair,

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