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Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 870    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

.90 2.00 Illustrated Leader, N.Y. ............... w Sport 1.75 2.00 Illustrated Record, N.Y. ............... w Sport 1.75 2.50 Illustrated Sporting News .................... w 2.15 Illustrated Sporting News in class B: with

gue. 1.00 Independent Statesman, Concord .......... w Rep. .90 .60 Indiana Farmer, Indianapolis ........... w Agri. .60 1.00 Indiana State Journal ................... w Rep. 1.00 2.50 Indianapolis Journal (6 iss. 5.00-4.75) . S Rep. 2.40 5.00 Indianapolis News ................ 6 issues Ind. 4.25 .50 Indiana State Sentinel .................. w Dem. .45 3.00 Indianapolis Sentinel ............ 6 issues Dem. 2.65 2.50 Indianapolis Sentinel. .................... Sun. 2.20 5.00 Inland Architect, Chicago (n. 4.50) .... m Arch. 5.00 10.00 Same Photogravure Edition (n. 9.00) .... m Arch. 10.00 2.00 Inland Grocer ................................ w 1.50 3.00 Inland Printer, Chicago (F.P. 1.20) .......... m 3.00 3.00 Insurance Times, N.Y. ................... m Ins. 2.00 1.50 Intelligence, Oak Park, Ill. (n. 1.35) s-m Edu. 1.50 2.50 International Dental Journal, Phila. ......... m 1.75 2.50 Internat. Jour. of Ethics, Phil. (n 2.25) .... q 2.46 1.00 International Jou

.50 with Am. Teacher or Success .................. 2.50 with Popular Educator (new) or Leslies ....... 2.50 with Primary Education (new) ................. 2.50 with Primary Plans or Kindergarten Rev. ...... 2.50 with Normal Instructor and World's Events .... 2.50 with any two of above ........................ 3.00 with Journal of Geography .................... 3.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 3.00 Jour. of English & Germanic Philol'y (new 2.75) 3.00 2.00 Journal of Electricity Power & Gas ........... m .50 5.00 Journal of Franklin Institute, Phila. ... m Sci. 4.00 1.50 Journal of Geography, Chi. ............. m Geog. 1.50 Journal of Geography in offer No. 4: with Am. Primary Teacher or Primary Plans .... 1.75 with Popular Educator (new) or Success ....... l.75 with Am. Education or Leslies ................ 1.75 with Correct English or Pearson .............. 1.75 with Normal Instructor or Cosmopolitan ....... 1.75 with World's Work or Review of Reviews ....... 3.00 with Country Life ............................ 3.75 with Journal of Education .................... 3.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 3.00 Jour. of Geology, Chi. (F.P. .50) ....... 8 Nos. 2.60 6.30 Journal of Hygiene ........................... q 6.00 3.00 Jour. of Milit

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