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Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals

Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals


Chapter 1 2. Date of our receipt for it. 3. Name of Periodical. 4. Name and address of subscriber. 5. Kind of remittance.

Word Count: 2505    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

paid publishers for the full time for which periodicals were reordered. If publishers fall or s

send us a 2 cent stamp for each one wanted, and we will ask the publishers to mail you a sample copy. For sample of weeklies costing over $2.00 a year send 1-50

do the same at our wholesale price. If the publisher charges extra for these, add the extra amou

us for terms, and we will quote you our wholesale price by return mail. Or if you

ers to write direct to the publishers, (to save time) and they will



y neatly printed on fine quality of book paper and contain names and publisher's price only of about 200 of the le

ce for the agents' or newsdealers' name and add

t would cause, but we will supply you a MIDGET SELF-INKING STAMP WITH INK for ONLY 50 CENTS, postpaid. This stamp

t as the MIDGET SELF-INKER. Two lines, 25 cents; 3 lines, 35 cents; 4 lines, 45 cents: 5 lines

all AMERICAN and FOREIGN periodicals at lowest prices. A space is left on these posters for you to ins

you always have a complete record of the names address, name of periodical, date sent, price received, etc., of all orders you send to

als from subscribers whose orders you have taken before. Advise your customers two or three weeks in

rice O

............... m .25 1.00 Am. Fancier, Johnstown ................ w Poult. .65 4.00 Am. Field, Chicago .................... w Sport. 3.75 1.50 Am. Gardening, N.Y. (F.P. .50) ......... w Hort. 1.15 3.00 Am. Gaslight Jour. N.Y. (n. 2.75) ....... w Gas. 3.00 8.50 Am. Geologist, Minn. (n. 3.25) .......... m Sci. 3.50 1.00 Am. Grange Bulletin, Cincinnati ........ w Agri. .90 3.00 American Grocer, N.Y. (n. 1.75) ......... w Com. 2.25 1.00 Am. Hairdresser, Brooklyn .................... m .85 3.00 American Hebrew, N.Y. ........................ w 2.50 2.50 Am. Historical Register, Boston .............. m 2.25 4.00 Am. Historical Review, N.Y. .................. q 3.60 1.00 Am. Homes, New York .................... m Arch. .85 2.00 Am. Horse Br'der, Boston ..................... w 1.90 1.00 Am. Horse Owner, Chi. (n .75) ................ m 1.00 1.00 Am. Illustrated Methodist Magazine ........... m .75 2.50 American Israelite, Cincinnati ............... w 2.50 1.50 American Inventor, N.Y. .......... s-m Sci. Inv. 1.35 American Inventor in class A: with Leslies or Good Housekeeping .............. 1.50 with Cosmopolitan or Pearsons .................. 1.50 with Technical World ........................... 1.50 with Twentieth Century Home..................... 1.50 with Book-keeper & Business Short Cuts ......... 1.50 with any two above ............................. 2.00 with any three above ........................... 2.50 with Review of Reviews and Leslie .............. 3.25 with Worlds Work and Cosmopolitan .............. 3.25 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. Everybody's may be added to any club for One Dollar 1.00 Am. Jeweler, Chicago ......................... m .85 5.00 Am. Jour. of Arch'logy, N.Y. (F.P. .50) ...... q 4.25 1.00 Am. Jour. of Education, Milwaukee ....... m Edu. .80 5.00 Am. Jour. of Mathematics, Balto ......... q Sci. 4.25 5.00 Am. Jour. of Med. Science (n. 4.25) .......... m 5.00 2.00 Am. Journal of Numismatics ................... q 1.90 2.00 Am. Jour. of Nu'sing, Phila. (F.P. .60) .. m Med. 1.75 3.00 Am. Jour. of Phar'acy, Phila. (F.P. .25) m Phar. 2.60 3.00 Am. Journal of Philology, Balti ........ q Phil. 2.85 5.00 Am. Journal of Physiology, Boston ............ m 4.75 5.00 Am. Jour. of Psychology, Worcester ........... q 4.25 6.00 Am. Jour. of Science, New Haven ......... m Sci. 5.00 2.00 Am. Jour. of So'logy, Chi. (F.P. .50) ..... bi-m 1.75 3.00 Am. Jour. of Theology, Chi. (F.P. 45) .. q Theo. 2.65 2.00 American Kennel Gazette, N.Y. ................ m 1.65 3.00 Am. Law Register, Phila. (n. 2.25) ...... m Law. 2.65 5.00 Am. Law Review. St. Louis (n. 4.25) .. bi-m Law. 5.00 2.00 Am. Lawyer, N.Y. (F.P. .48) ........... m Legal 1.85 4.00 Am. Lumberman, Chicago (n. 3.50) ............. w 4.00 4.00 Am. Machinist, N.Y. (F.P. 1.00) ....... w Mech. 3.80 1.00 Am. Machinist, N.Y. .......................... m 1.00 2.00 Am. Ma'matical Monthly (new 1.75) ............ m 2.00 4.00 Am. Medicine Phila., (n. 3.25) ............... w 3.75 .50 Am. Messenger, N.Y. .......................... m .40 2.00 American Miller, Chicago ................ m Com. 1.65 1.00 American Milliner, Boston .................... m .90 1.00 American Monthly Magazine, Wash. ............. m .90 1.00 American Motherhood, Boston .................. m .90 4.00 American Naturalist, (F.P. .60) ......... m Sci. 3.75 1.00 American Ornithology, Worcester .............. m .75 1.00 Am. Primary Teacher, Boston .................. m .85 Am. Primary Teacher in class A with Success or any one in class A .......... 1.50 with Leslies or any one in class A .......... 1.50 with Popular Educator (new) ................. 1.50 with Primary Education (new) ........

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r any one in class A ........... 1.50 with any two of above ........................ 2.00 with any three of above ...................... 2.50 with Success and World's Work ................ 3.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 3.00 Booklovers Magazine, (F.P. 1.00) .......... Lit. 3.00 Booklovers Magazine in class B with Am. Boy and Success ..................... 3.00 with Harper's Bazar and Leslies Mo. .......... 3.25 with any two in class A, Page 2 .............. 3.25 with Success and Cosmopolitan ................ 3.00 with Country Life or Craftsman ............... 4.50 with Review of Reviews or any one in class B or C ............................... 3.75 with Outlook (new) ........................... 4.25 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 2.00 Bookman, N.Y. (F.P. 72) ...................... m 1.90 .50 Book News, Phila. (Wanamaker) ........... m Lit. .45 1.00 Book Seller, Chicago ................... m Trade .75 1.00 Book World, N.Y. ............................. m .85 2.50 Boot and Shoe Recorder, Boston .... w Com. 2.25 6.00 Boston Advertiser ..................... 6 issues 5.60 1.00 Boston Cooking School Magazine ............... m .75 6.00 Boston Herald (Sun. 2.00) .......... 6 iss. Ind. ask 3.00 Boston Home Journal ..................... w Lit. 2.40 3.00 Boston Journal (w. 1 .00-.95)..... 6 issues Rep. 2.85 2.50 Boston Pilot (new, 2.00) ............... w R. C. 2.25 3.00 Boston Post (Sun. 2.50-2.40) ..... 6 issues Ind. 2.90 3.00 Boston Evening Record ............ 6 issues Rep. 2.60 1.50 Boston Eve. Transcript (6 mos. .80) ..... w Rep. 1.50 9.00 Boston Eve. Transcript .............. daily Rep. 9.00 3.00 Boston Traveler (w. 1.00-.65) .... 6 issues Rep. 2.85 5.00 Botanical Gazette, Chi. (F.P. .50) ...... m Sci. 4.25 1.50 Bowlers Journal, N.Y. ........................ w 1.50 .50 Boys and Girls, Ithaca ....................... m .50 Boys and Girls in Offer No. 3 with Youth and American Boy .................. 1.75 with Harper's Bazar .......................... 1.75 with any two in class A ...................... 1.75 with Cosmopolitan or Pearson ................. 1.25 1.20 Boys Own Paper, Toronto ................. m Juv. 1.15 .50 Boys World, Chicago .............. w Juv. .50 Boys World in Offer No. 3: with Success or Leslies Monthly ............. 1.25 with Cosmopolitan or Pearson ................ 1.25 with Little Folks (new) ..................... 1.25 with any two of above ....................... 1.75 5.00 B

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