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Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 5982    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

nal (F. P. .60) .

r which the subscribers have paid the full subscription price. A single subscription will be accepted only at $1.00 unless previous orders for it have been received this season. Must not be taken

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....... w Fash. .85 .50 Ladies' World,

rgest, handsomest and best 50 cent magazine in America. It is bright, practical, and up-to-date. Profusely illustrated. H

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ys and Girls in Offer No. 3: with Cosmopolitan or Success ................. 1.25 with American Boy or Youth ................... 1.25 with Little Folks (new) or Leslie's .......... 1.25 with Good Housekeeping or Pearson ............ 1.25 with any two of above ........................ 1.75 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. .25 Little Christian, Boston .............. s-m Juv. .20 1.50 Little Chronicle, Chicago (F.P. 1.00) ........ w 1.00 Little Chronicle in class A: with Am. Prim. Teacher ....................... 1.50 with Popular Educator (new) .................. 1.50 with Primary Education (new) ................. 1.50 with Primary Plans ........................... 1.50 with Normal Instructor ....................... 1.25 with any two above ........................... 2.00 with House Beautiful and Leslies ............. 2.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.00 Little Folks, Salem, Mass (F.P. .25) .... m Juv. 1.00 For children from three to ten. Full of beautiful pictures (some in colors) and stories by best authors. Adv. Little Folks (new) in class A: with American Boy or Harper's Bazar .......... 1.50 with Youth or American Boy ................... 1.50 with Cosmopolitan or Success ................. 1.50 with Pearson or Good Housekeeping ............ 1.50 with Leslie's or 20th Century Home ........... 1.50 with any two of above ..................

Farmer, Augusta, Me. ............. w Agri. .90 1.00 Maine Sportsman, Bangor, Me. (n. .75) . m Sport. .85 1.00 Manual Training Mag., (F.P. 20) .............. q .90 1.50 Manufacturer and Builder, N.Y. ......... m Mech. 1.15 4.00 Manufacturers' Record, Bal'ore, Md. .......... w 3.25 2.00 Marine Engineering, N.Y. ..................... m 1.70 3.00 Marine Rev & Ma. Rec., (n. 2.50) ............. w 3.00 .75 Masonic Chronicle, Columbus, O. ......... m Mas. .50 1.50 Masonic Voice Revi

ent must contain at least TWO subscriptions for it. A single subscription will be accepted only at $1.00 unless previous orders for it have been received this season. Must not be taken in c

. 4.90 2.00 Medicine ..................................... m 1.75 .50 Memphis (Tenn.) Commercial .............. w Dem. .45 6.00 Memphis (Tenn.) Commercial ......... 6 iss. Dem. 5.00 .50 Memphis Commercial Appeal .................... w .45 7.50 Memphis Com. Appeal ................... 7 issues 6.25 1.00 Men and Women, Cin. (F.P. .50) ......... m Cath. .75 Men and Women in class A with Good Housekeeping or Success ............ 1.50 with Cosmopolitan or Leslie's ................ 1.50 with Pearson's or 20th Century Home .......... 1.50 with any two of above ........................ 2.00 with Smart Set or any class C ................ 2.50 with Lippincott and any class A .............. 3.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. Everybody's may be added to any club for One Dollar 1.00 Merck's Archives, N. Y .................. m Med. .95 2.00 Merchants' Guide, Philadelphia .......... w Com. 1.25 2.00 Merchants Record & Show Window ............... m 1.75 2.00 Merks Report, N Y .............................. 1.85 2.00 Messenger, N.Y. (n. 140) ..................... m 1.65 1.25 Messenger of Peace, Marceline, Mo. .... s-m Bap. 1.15 .50 Messenger of Sacred Heart, N.Y. ........ m R. C. .45 2.00 Metal Worker, N.Y. ..................... w Mech. 1.85 1.25 Metaphysical Magazine.

at leading magazine of the world (price $4.00) o

bune ................... 7 issues 4.05 1.80 Minneapolis Tribune ..................... Sunday 1.60 .60 Minnesota School Journal ................... s-m .50 .50 Mirror & Farmer, Manchester, N.H. ...... w Agri. .40 .75 Missionary Herald, Boston .............. m Cong. .75 2.50 Missionary Review (n. 2.15) (F.P. .50) .. m Mis. 2.50 1.25 Mo. School Journal, Jefferson City ...... m Edu. .85 1.00 Moderator Topics, Lansing .................... m .80 .50 Modes, N.Y. .................................. m .40 1.50 Modern Language Notes, Balt. ....... 8 Nos. Lit. 1.45 1.00 Modern Machinery, Chicago .................... m .85 1.00 Modern Medicine, Battle Creek ................ m .75 .50 Modern Pr


r, N.Y. ...........

Berea, O. .......

& Concert Goer ...

n, Dayton, Va. ...


Everybody's to

s-Democrat .............. w Dem. 1.00 12.00 New Orleans Times-Democrat .......... 7 iss Dem. 12.00 2.00 Newspaperdom, N.Y. ........................... w 1.75 1.00 New Voice, Chicago (new .90) ........... w Temp. 1.00 1.00 N.Y. Accts. & Bookkeeper's Jour. ............. m .60 2.50 New York American and Journal ........ Sun. Dem. 2.20 8.50 New York American and Jour. ........ 7 iss. Dem. 7.00 6.00 New York American & Journal. ....... 6 iss. Dem. 5.00 4.00 New York Clipper (F.P. 1.50) .......... w Sport. 3.25 6.00 N.Y. Commercial, & Price Current ....... d Trade 5.40 7.50 New York Commercial Adv. Eve. with Saturday sup .............................. 6 Issues Rep. 5.25 2.50 N.Y. Com. Adv. Sat. Edition & Sup. ........... w 1.95 4.00 N.Y. Dramatic Mirror ......................... w 8.40 3.50 New York Evening Journal ........... 6 iss. Dem. 3.00 2.00 N.Y. Eve. Post (w. 1.00-85) ........... s-w Ind. 1.90 9.00 N.Y. Eve. Post (Sat. 1.50 1.45) .... 6 iss. Ind. 8.35 1.00 N.Y. Farmer, Port Jervis (n.85) .............. w .90 3.00 N.Y. Family Story Paper (F.P. 12) ............ w 2.40 8.10 N.Y. Herald (Sun. 2.10-2.05) ....... 6 iss. Ind. 8.05 10.10 New York Herald .................. 7 issues Ind. 10 05 2.50 N.Y. Mail and Express ............ Saturday Rep. 2.35 2.25 New York Mail and Express. ....... 5 issues Rep. 2.10 4.50 New York Mail and Express. ....... 6 issues Rep. 4.10 5.00 New York & Phila., Medical Jour .............. w 4.25 5.50 New York News (Sun. 2.50-2.20) ..... 7 iss. Dem. 4.00 3.00 New York News ...................... 6 iss. Dem. 2.60 3.00 New York Observe (n. 2.25) ............. w Evan. 3.00 4.50 New York Press ................... 6 issues Rep. 4.00 6.50 New York Press (Sun. 250-2.30) ..... 7 iss. Rep. 5.75 6.00 New York Sun ..................... 6 issues Dem. 5.60 8.00 New York Sun (Sun. 2.00-1. 90) ..... 7 iss. Dem. 7.40 2.00 New York Telegraph ...................... Sunday 1.75 1.00 N.Y. Teacher's Monographs, N.Y. ......... 6 iss. .90 12.00 N.Y. Morning Telegraph, N.Y. ............ 6 iss. 9.85 6.00 New York Times (Sat. 1.00-.95) ..... 6 iss. Dem. 5.30 8.50 New York Times (Sun. 2.50-230) ..... 7 iss. Dem. 7.45 1.00 New York Tribune Farmer ................. w Rep. .75 8.00 New York Tribune ................. 6 issues Rep. 7.40 10.00 New York Tribune

binder, Dayton. ........ b-m Mus. 1.40 3.00 Organist's Journal, Arlington, N.J. ..... m Mus. 2.50 2.00 Our Day, Chicago (F. P. .50) ................. m 1.80 .50 Our Dumb Animals, Boston. ............... m Edu. .35 .35 Our Little People, Farmington ........... m Juv. .30 1.00 Our Monthly, Clinton, S.C. ................... m .80 .50 Our Times, N.Y. ......................... m Edu. .50 2.00 Out West, Los Angeles ................... m Lit. 1.90 Out West in offer No. 5: Leslies and Good Housekeeping ................ 2.50 World Today and Harper's Magazine ............ 5.35 Booklovers and Success ....................... 3.50 1.00 Outdoor Life, Denver .................... m Lit. .90 Recognized as authority on big game hunting in America and the most beautifully illustrated sportsmans magazine. Outdoor Life in class A: with Success or Good Housekeeping ............ 1.50 with Leslies or 20th Century Home ............ 1.50 with Pearsons or Recreation .................. 1.50 with Cosmopolitan or Am. Inventor ............ 1.50 with any two of above ........................ 2.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.50 Outdoors (F.P. 1.00) .................. in

Phila. North American ................. 6 issues 3.00 2.50 Phila. North American ..................... Sun. 2.50 3.00 Phila. Public Ledger and Times ...... 6 iss Ind. 2.65 1.00 Phila. Public Ledger ...................... Sun. .90 1.00 Philadelphia Record (Sat. .50-.50) ... Sun. Ind. 1.00 3.00 Philadelphia Record .............. 6 issues Ind. 3.00 1.00 Philistine, E. Aurora, N.Y. .................. m .90 Philistine in class A with Little Journeys for 1905 ................ 2.00 with Little Journeys (1905) and any one in class A .................................... 2.50 with any one in class A ...................... 1.50 3.00 Philosophical Review, New York ...... bi-m Phil. 2.85 1.00 Photo-American, N.Y. (F.P. 36) ......... m Phot. .85 $500 given in prizes each year. (adv.) 1.00 Phonographic Magazine .......................... .85 1.00 Photo-Beacon, Chicago (F.P. .36) ........ m Art. .85 2.50 Photo Era, Boston ....................... m Art. 2.25 2.50 Photo Miniature, N.Y. ........................ m 2.50 1.00 Photographic Times, Bulletin, N.Y. ...... m Sci. .85 1.00 Phrenological Jour. N.Y. ................ m Hyg. .90 1.00 Physical Culture, N.Y. ....................... m 1.00 Physical Culture in class A with Beauty and Health ....................... 1.25 with Harper's Bazar or Leslie's .............. 1.50 with Cosmopolitan or Good Housekeeping ....... 1.50 with Pearson or Success ...................... 1.50 with American Boy or Sunset .................. 1.50 with any two above or in class A ............. 2.00 5.00 Physical Review, N.Y. ........................ m 4.25 1.00 Pictorial Review, N.Y. (F.P. .50) ............ m .75 1.00 Picture and Art Trade, Chicago .......... m Com. .65 1.00 Pickings from Puck ........................... q .90 1.00 Pilgrim, Battle Creek (F. P. .60) ............ m .75 3.00 Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph ..... 6 iss. Ind. 3.00 1.00 Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette.............w Rep. .90 3.00 Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette .......6 iss. Rep. 3.00 6.00 Pittsburgh Dispatch (w 1.00-90)..... 6 iss. Ind. 5.00 2.50 Pittsburgh Dispatch ................ Sunday Ind. 2.15 6.00 Pittsburg Leader ................. 6 issues Ind. 5.20 2.50 Pittsburg Leader ..................... Sun. Ind. 2.15 1.00 Pittsburgh Post (Sun. 2.50-2.20) ........ w Dem. .90 3.00 Pittsburgh Post .................. 6 issues Dem. 3.00 3.00 Pittsburg Time ........................ 6 issues 2.25 1.50 Plant World

at leading magazine of the world (price $4.00) o

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, N.Y. (F.P. 1.04)

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(F.P. 1.04) ......

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, Pa. .............

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...... w R.Ch. 1.25 .50 Reliable Poultry Jour.. Quincy, Ill. .. m Poult. .40 2.00 Religious Herald, Richmond (n. 1.65) .... w Bap. 1.85 2.00 Religious Telescope, Dayton, O. ......... s U.B. 1.85 1.00 Resources, Montreal .......................... m .75 5.00 Retailer & Advertiser, N.Y. (n. 4.25) ........ w 5.00 3.00 Review (new 2.85) ............................ w 3.00 2.50 Review of Reviews, N.Y. ...................... m 2.50 Review of Reviews in class B with Success ................................. 2.50 with Art Interchange and Success ............. 4.00 with Pop. Educator (new) and Success ......... 3.00 with Primary Education (new) & Pearson ....... 3.25 with Normal Instructor and Leslie's .......... 3.00 with Art Interchange and Pearson ............. 4.25 with Outlook (new) ........................... 4.25 with Country Life ............................ 4.50 1.00 Rhodora, Boston .............................. m .95 1.00 Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch ......... s-w Dem. .90 3.00 Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch ...... 5 iss. Dem. 2.50 5.00 Richmond Times-Dispatch ...

g, N.Y. ..........

ord-Union .........

ev, Boston (n. 1.50

ross, N.Y. .......

sample 5c.) .......

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(new) or Youth .

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Herald (s-w. 1.50-

Tribune ..........

Tribune (Sunday) .

(7 issues) ........

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etin (Sun. 2.00-1.4

Call (w 1.00-.80) .

Call west of

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News Letter .......

Post (w. 1.00-.85)

, Chicago .........

ng Post ...........

gular price of this magazine is $2.00 a year. We

ust contain at least TWO subscriptions for it for which the subscribers have paid my special subscription price. A single subscription will be accepted only at $1.25 unless previous orders for it have been received this

ds which the POST publishers advertise to furnish, sent free to the subscriber. Christmas cards will be received by th


ME JOURNAL at $2.25 each and you may have FREE as your premium and sent to any address desired a yearly subs

) ...... Com. 4.00 3.00 Shoe Retailer and Boots and Shoes ...... m Shoes 3.00 1.00 Shoe Trade Journal ........................... w .65 3.50 Shooting and Fishing, N.Y. ............. w Sport 2.75 4.00 Shoppell's Modern Houses, N.Y. ........ q Archi. 3.00 2.50 Short Stories (fiction) N.Y. (F.P. .48) ... Fie. 2.20 2.00 Sibley Journal of Engineering ........... 9 Nos. 1.80 1.50 Signs of the Times, Oakland .................. w 1.15 1.00 Silver Cross, Kings Daughters, N.Y. .......... m .90 4.00 Sioux City Journal (s-w. 1.00-.65) . 6 iss. Rep. 3.40 1.00 Sioux City Tribune ......................... s-w .70 1.00 Sis Hopkins Magazine, N.Y. ................... m .90 Sis Hopkins with Pearson or Cosmopolitan ................. 1.50 with Leslies or Good Housekeeping ............ 1.50 with Success and Outing ...................... 3.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 6.00 Sketch (Am. Ed.) ............................. w 5.60 1.00 Small Farmer, N.Y. ........................... m .70 2.50 Smart Set, N.Y. (new 2.40) .............. m Lit. 2.50 Smart Set in class C with Success or Am. Boy ...................... 2.50 with Good Housekeeping or Leslies ............ 2.50 with 20th Century Home or Cosmopolitan ....... 2.50 with Harper's Bazar or Pearsons .............. 2.50 with any two above ........................... 3.00 with Art Interchange ......................... 3.75 with any one in class B or C ................. 3.75 Everybody's may be added to any club for One Dollar 1.00 Social Service, N.Y. ......................... m .90 3.00 Something to Read, (Am. ed.) N.Y. ............ m 2.65 1.00 South Dakota Educator, Mitchell .........10 Nos. .80 .50 Southern Planter ............................. w .50 2.00 Southern Churchmen, Richmond ..................w 1.80 1.00 Southern Cultivator, Atlanta ......... s-m Agri. .75 1.00 Southern Educational Journal ................. m .95 2.00 Southern Lumberman, Nashville ......... s-m Lum. 1.65 1.00 Southern School Journal ...................... m .60 4.00 Spectator, N.Y. (n. 3.35) ............... w Lit. 4.00 1.00 Spirit of Missions, N.Y. ............... m Miss. .85 1.00 Spirit of '76, N.Y. .................... m Hist. .75 Spirit of '76 in class A with Success or Good Housekeeping ............ 1.50 with Harper's Bazar or Leslie ................ 1.50 with House Beautiful or Cosmopolitan ......... l.50 4.00 Spirit of the Times and Sport N.Y. .... w Sport. 3.40 3.00 Spokane (Wash.) Chronicle ............. 6 issues 2.75 1.00 Spokesman Review ........................... s-w .90 8.50 Spokesman Review ....................... 6 issue 7.50 1.50 Sports Afield, Chicago ....................... m 1.25 4.00 Sports of the Times ...........................w 3.40 2.00 Sporting Life, Philadelphia ........... w Sport. 1.75 2.00 Sporting News, St. Louis .............. w Sport. 1.75 2.00 Sportsmen's Review, Cincinnati ........ w Sport. 1.75 1.00 Springfield (Mass.) Republican .......... w Ind. .95 8.00 Springfield (Mass.) Republican ..... 6 iss. Ind. 7.40 2.00 Springfield (Mass.) Republican ....... Sun. Ind. 1.80 6.00 Springfield (Mass.) Union ....... 6 issues. Rep. 5.20 2.50 Springfield (Mass.) Union................ Sunday 2.25 1.00 Square and Compass, Denver ................... m .75 2.00 Standard, Chicago........................ w Bap. 1.90 4.00 Standard and Vanity Fair, N.Y. ............... w 3.25 .50 Star Monthly, Oak Park........................ m .46 1.00 Stenographer, Phil

n Topics (new 1.25) ............ q 1.40 1.00 Teacher's College Record, ................. bi-m .90 .25 Teacher's Gazette, Milford ......

at leading magazine of the world (price $4.00) o

Theatre, N.Y. ................................ m 2.45 2.00 Therapeutic Gazette, Detroit ............ m Med. 1.75 1.00 Thrift Magazine .............................. m .60 2.00 Tobacco, New York............................. w 1.65 2.00 Tobacco Leaf, New York (n. 3.25) ........ w Com. 1.65 2.00 Toilettes, New York (Junior Ed. .90).....m Fash. 1.65 5.00 Toledo Bee (w. .50-.45) .......... 6 issues Dem. 4.20 5.00 Toledo Blade (w. 1.00-.70) ....... 6 issues Rep. 4.25 4.00 Topeka Capital (n. 3.25) ......... 5 issues Rep. 4.00 1.00 Topeka Capital (new .85) .............. s-w Rep. 1.00 .50 Topeka State Journal ......................... w .45 3.60 Topeka State Journal .................. 6 issues 3.10 3.00 Toronto Eve Mail and Empire ............. 6 iss. 2.50 1.75 Toronto Globe (W 1.00-85) ............. Sat Ind. 1.50 4.00 Toronto Globe, morning edition ..... 6 iss. Ind. 3.50 3.00 Toronto Globe, evening edition .......... 6 iss. 2.50 1.00 Toronto Mail and Empire ................. w Ind. .85 2.00 Toronto Mail and Empire (In Prov. of Ontario and city of Montreal 3.50) .............. 6 iss Ind. 1.95 1.00

st. 1.75 2.50 Same (cloth binding) ................... m Post. 2.15 2.00 Unity, Chicago ............................... w 1.65 2.00 University Med. Mag., Phila. (n. 1.65) ... m Med 2.00 1.00 University of Chi. Record (F.P. .50) ......... w .95 2.00 Universal Brotherhood, N.Y. .................. m 1.65 2.00 Universalist Leader

Claim Your Bonus at the APP
