World's War Events, Volume III
al Wilson'
val staff representative in Paris on matters of general policy, actual cooperation is carried on by Vice Adm
tal conv
rench ports, which are provided with escort and routed in and out wholly from the Brest headquarters which is kept fully informed as to routes and positions of British-controlled convoys and as to locations of submarine activities and has to so adjust routes on and off the coast as to keep clear of both. Three out of eight escort units are provide
ent of troops
number of troopships and cargo-vessel convoys east and west bound have averaged more than 1 a day, and the number of ships over 200 a month. No convoy of troopships has failed
nt maintained in readiness for service with the aid of the fleet repair ship Prometheus and lately al
d torpedo
rcises including torpedoes, the need of which has been recognised bu
for repairi
f not only for the upkeep of the United States naval vessels based on the coast, but also for necessary repairs to t
ided into
, and the district headquarters are in every case located in the same place as those of the several prefects maritimes. These headquarters are communi
expedite their "turn around," and in addition, where vessels carrying United States naval armed guards are concerned, t
pt the northern bombing group mentioned above, and aviation matters are immediately
planes, dirigibl
the French naval air services in the several corresponding prefectures maritimes. There is also an assembly, repair, and supply base at Pauillac for the general service
in operation for periods varying from 12 to 3 month
o be used also for training and experimental work. The station at Guipavas will shortly be in operation. The stati
l balloon w
estroyers and yachts. The station at La Trinite is nearing completion and that at La Pallice is progressing rapidly. The utility of the station at La Trinite seems to be somewh
upply statio
.T. Evans, under whose forceful and able direction the station has progressed rapidly to
d in traini
s, and includes study and lectures, as well as ample, practical work. Endeavor is made to keep in touch with and to adopt, where deemed advisable, the be