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The Adventures of Larson and Garrett - A Werewolf in the Dark

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 857    |    Released on: 29/12/2017

was, Barry knew him, and he had come in last month, and he probab

too much alcohol where it's difficult to hold just one thought at a time. This was made evident by the way the o

other and my father: L

seat. Barry touched Larson's hand to draw his attention, and then winc

" Barry asked in a manner showin

wolf…what wolf, " Holden s

interested, and he blurted ou

n his folded arms. "I was just talking to a young

of his face. Larson cracked a smile of increduli

raveler, I thought maybe you had run into my

folded arms—towards Larson. "I'm busy with this contract. If you

ir of someone useful, but writing the letter as Barry suggested was prob

werewolves anymore,

I've been tracking this one for weeks." Larson and Holden eyed each other for a moment. "

's directness and familiarity with hidden kn

killed a monst

not from here. No, a small town maybe? Half Pine, right? Or Flotsam,

Larson felt threatened, an

me was a fluke. Monsters don't run rampant the way they used to. Maybe there's a

kids see 'em—monsters—and so do the sick, the elderly, the seasoned warrior-traveler. Kings and pawns are too busy with their normal lives, whatever th

" Larson conceded, apathetic

u've got that flare in your eyes. You're

s right out of a story book except he wasn't handsome, kind, or sober. Larson chuckled at having been pinned down so neatly. Holden was astute for su

t to lose, " the

do you

bag thi

help?" Larson's tone

ut instead wants placation from speculation and said, "Everybody needs help at some time or

shouted while marching over. "Holden, you leave this k

n. "You wanna' work like a dog for a pittance? Meet a nice

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