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The Adventures of Larson and Garrett - A Werewolf in the Dark

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 970    |    Released on: 29/12/2017


" Holden

as Larson's torso just like an ordinary timber wolf. It was brown and gray with lanky arms and legs, and

"This thing had me in its

ing. Larson did have some severe wounds in his should

ds clean. No need to worry over lyc

opy? I'm

n't bit

son heaved. "Now, I de

to Rabidous. "Let's head back to Barry's and try to finagle som

pped. "I have to get to Por

Inside the bar, it was desolate; Barry had obviously forced everyone out to ge

into a tirade. "You old, grizzled, war hound! How could you get this poor kid mixed up in your witch hunts? Look a

's all right. The job's done

arson, you're a little young, but

n I get a clot

lied, filled some mugs,

yed a pint of ale. Holden then started the story of how, bravely, Larson enticed the werewolf from the grove, how he had to shove Holden out of harm's way, take the dagger himself, and strike

t. You wanna' send your brother a letter and wait patiently? That's your call, but if you want to…if say…you didn't trust me to send you your cut, " he added, shamelessly, and grinned. "You c

and the horse, were going to go a long way, so right then he called for Barry, asked for quill and parchment, wrote a concise letter for his brother, and as the

clouds and reflecting off the freshly pooled rain puddles, Holden turne

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and other folk were starting their morning routines of school, work, errands. Soldiers walked by parading their spears as though they were actually capable of defending the town. From what? Larson wo

ned mercenary led them out of town, rounding it far to the east, and then began the rough

n." Holden's voice had jolted him. Not only were his words un

ther's okay, "

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ble to pin down the man in him the way he was able to do so with his brother, the workers in Pallisade, the folks in Flotsam. The longer they journeyed th

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