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The Adventures of Larson and Garrett - A Werewolf in the Dark

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 851    |    Released on: 29/12/2017

pprentice died? You kill

emanded. "You're n

, unt

to Barry's? I need you loud an

heard what he wanted to hear instead of the grim truth; that life is just work, family, and death. He vowed, swore, and promised th

move a few paces from you. My cloak is magickal. If I remain still for a time, nothing can sense me…well, usually no

Larson g

pee, " Hold


do, the werewol


and cautiously towards you, it'll


Holden chuckled

t was life's way—to stalk people and pounce upon them the second their attention deviated. Larson cursed himself, his brother, Holden, the Gods, and the werewolf, if there even was one. Maybe there isn't, he thought. Maybe Holden's just a grizzled o

lled no longer able to contr

No, Barry knew he was a mercenary. What would there be to gain by?

o answer. He held his breath and strained to

ld wasn't his biggest worry. There was something moving around in the darkness. Something caught his eye. The

ty, and Larson wanted to cry. He grit his

here, dammi

a sound like heavy sacks being dropped onto the sloppy soil followed by the growling bark of a

" Holden

ed? Untie me, plea

wounded him, that's for s


he ropes, and said, "I d

but he was fine otherwise. He took a deep breath, and when he gauged that Holden was standing still right in front of him, he sw

o his feet. "Stand up straight. Breathe in through your nose a

For whatever reason, he wasn't mad anymore, o

l here?" he

r dagger into its flank a couple times. There's no healing from t

up in desperation, "S

, " Holde



an't see!" L

ted to run away because you were tied, now you're free

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