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The Billionaire's Wish

Chapter 5 The Island

Word Count: 1302    |    Released on: 14/01/2018

eferred to land there so they will only have 3 hours of t

t delay of their arrival will be a good experience for them t

s an understatement. Cassie was wearing sweatshirt and jeans. Lance forgot to

ery warm this time of the year." Lance almost smacked himsel

suitcases and more at the resort. If you want to change first

l of you. You go on out I will j

her then proceeded to go down the air

as amazed that Lance had purchased several clothes for her at the pl

w Lance's phone near the sink. She

s light went off, she saw her sleeping form. She felt again that strange fe

ny password and took pictures of herself so she can r

went down the plane an

ching his pockets for his phon

She looks captivating. The way she tried to hold her dress because of the wind and the

r door. He opened it for her from the inside.

got your


u okay? You lo

now that y

smiled at hi

e for holding her was that the road was rough and bumpy and she will need extra support aside from th

et him know her real identity. She trusts him with her life but she do not want

eally having fun, enjoyi

life until now. He felt carefree. Cassie

feeling of the air on her face as they zoomed across the ocean. She loved the scenic view of the surrounding

uits that white sanded island. Even the rocks near the seashore were

e a fortress of trees and rocks. She can't wait to have

r surroundings. He felt proud and happy that he was the one who brought those f

k. He went down first and after she took a few steps down, he lifted her to the dock. Being extra careful not t

e smiling sweetly at them. The woman

acita How are you? I missed you. Lance was hugging the

you'll be bringing someone with you. Nanay Pacita answered back i

I was little until she got married ten years ago. I bought this island so I can visit her and a

old lady hugged her tightly. She even

o?" Lance greeted Mang Pil

aw dumadalaw." It was nice of you to visit. Your nanny is missing you

to witness this side of Lance. He was such an enigma. She was surprised that he still values his

ance said as he reached for her hand then they proceed

irst one but because of the person beside her. Cassie's thoughts we

put me

tired baby. This is a ver

ly are im

th me, babe." He winked at her and he c

nevertheless buried her face at the crook o

himself that he will do everything to make

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