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The Billionaire's Wish

The Billionaire's Wish


Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 1617    |    Released on: 12/01/2018

is one of the biggest and

I will inherit in the

s young when I studied and was accelerated in school, I joined our company. It was not an option. Being an on

ra Villanueva Lopez

yes bleed. I had to learn

I chose to live th

up is nothing like the press

ow and why? I am still doing my

hing and I have to deal wit

om, I heard my father, the C

" I responded in t

ight, we have something

inish before the meeting with the Board of Di

the culprit who did this to us. Embezzling money is a crime! We have to m

be overworked. I am doin

eeting us for dinner. I will s

have dinner her

iscusión! Tu puedes ir."?No. You are going to fol

feeling heavy.

t two years and I have not once doub


time for any fancy setups. But a strict instruction from

d of girl. I may be of a rich stature but I ne

and elegant and suited my black waves and honey brown eyes. My petite figure is nothing compared to runway models or celebrities, but I felt

buried ultimate desire, to

As much as I would love to finish Lea Salonga's Ms. Saigon song, I pic


g outside your building. Pl

is just 5 minutes away from

ou are wearing some

he call feeling frustrated. They

e Italian resta

as a large screen playing some of my pictures and another

ht into a nightmare tha

sandra's Enga

arents approach me with a warning glare. They saw my expression an

ing of this?! This is absurd!

proached me

sorry if we may h

rstatement! You're tr

down and let us discu

I decided to run to the washroom and cried my heart

the washroom, I saw my

yes, and ruined mak

mised to fund our company's debts and will bring back our family's wealth. We did not consult you as we t

ess. For years, I have been slaving to be a perfect daughter to work in your perfect company. But

we have worked hard for. I cannot go back to being poor. Specially, now

to be happy. I have been giving everything I have to this c

ither you do this or I will

break. I felt like my world is breaking up in

ced. All my insecurities while grow

never be enough for them. I

and their be


Hills, Ca

s owner and billionaire CEO of Triple M Producti

he events hall for their engagement party an hour ago. He sent her b

e was staying. He opened the door to check on her.

l forever haunt

nths, naked and in bed, kissing her best friend who neve

nd so were the two girls do

ked at him

for so long and now I cannot contain it. I l

d and hugged the

ipated, the fury

gagement because I'm calling it off myself! How can you humiliate me


of this hotel room! I paid for this!

left the room and went down

bby, he ordered h

. I also want all of her things gone from my pen

straight to his waiting car. The driver was quick to ope

take care of this mess an

s s

oring the ringing cellphone, he

t happened? Your securities dragg

don't want to talk about this now. I'll just go away for a w

orry. You know I al

the phone off so no one can t

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