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The Billionaire's Wish

Chapter 4 The Plane Ride

Word Count: 1126    |    Released on: 13/01/2018

ing that she unknowingly s

gs are all tangled together. She felt comfortable and at ease hearing the steady rhythm of his heartbea

as the first time she slept with a man. Well, literally slept. Come to think about it, s

never liked Miguel, its not that he was not nice. He was nice to her. But that was the problem. She was nice only to her. She knew about his reputation

s heavy and he felt warm. Something hard was poking at her

at him. His light blue orbs turned darker and his lips parted

e looked away from h

her chin so she can

r forehead because she felt stupid for say

t we

er thoughts since their bodies were still pressed together. Lance was

n 1 to 2 hours at most." He closed his e

re you

back to

just w

leep until our arriva

ssie's mouth has no filter and sh

laughter while he moved and settled on the right side of the bed. He took Ca

h at me! Cassie punched his arms light

o cute and adorable when you're blushing

his laugh was

lf Lance. I want to g

I have no parents and no siblings. I am living alone. I own a Production Company

sie replied to his last comment,

dsome." Lance was grinning mischievously as

gh? Perhaps I need to move closer." And so he scooted clo

ance and our faces

ky you." H

ou're imp

ossible with m

thing I say?" Cassie is amused with all

as still gently caressing her arms then

of breath with his actions. All the sensation w

her ears, and she fel

ange and I

or bad?" He moved his ha

But it's like I'

d as he reached the base of her neck an


e up. We are about to land."?Their dreamy state was interrupted by t

he mood." Lance looked so pissed

caressed his forehead. He closed his eyes with the gesture. He was


to pull him up but he pulled her ba

ling around. We

es more. I like

we need t

ounting backwards. Lance thought that there is re

you counting

k I will be able to tame

assie was

I will just take a quick

ke a shower? And did y

be there in a minute." He pinched her nose and

k?" And Cassie stood up an

when he saw her sexy fi

the adjoining bathroom to take a

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