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At the Mercy of Tiberius

At the Mercy of Tiberius


Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 3214    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

e suffer and die, than bend your stubborn pride in the ef

and the frail wasted form of the speaker leaned forwar

e the hour of noon, and not until the echo of the last

who has disowned and spurned her; I cannot consent that she should humbly beg for rights, so unnaturally withheld. Every instin

randfather and ask for help. Beryl, time presses, and if I die for want of aid, you will be responsible; when it is too late, you will repro

from its covert in some corner of the comfortless garret room

the delicately traced black brows that overarched them, contrasted conspicuously with the wealth of deep auburn hair darkened by mahogany tints, which rolled back in shining waves from her blue veined temples. While moulding the figure and features upon a scale almost heroic, nature had jealously guarded the symmetry of her work, and in addition to the perfect proportio

d for a moment silent and pre-occupied. With a sudden gesture of surrender, she stooped her noble head, as if assuming a yoke, and drew one long de

the way whither your finger points. I have no hope of accomplishing any good, and nothing but humiliation can result from the experiment; but I will go. Sometimes

, that were set around my mother's picture; that cameo, which he had cut in Rome and framed in Paris. Beryl so much depends on the impression you make upon him, that you must guard your manner against haughtiness. Tr

r's hands, drawing her down to the edge of the bed; an

ntlin impressed upon us, the necessity of keeping your nervous system quiet. Take

t go t

r a certain day, and they should be packed in t


, mot

orgive his waywardness. Although younger, you are in some respects, the strongest; and I want your promise that you will always be patient and tender with him, and that you will shield him from evil, as I have tried to do. His conscience of course, is not sensitive like yours-because you know, a boy's moral nature is totally different from a girl's;

led with a mist of yearning compassionate tenderness, and taking her mother's

will do all a sister possibly can for a brother. Trust me, mother; and rest in the assurance that his welfare shall be more to me than my own; that should the necessity arise, I will stand between him and trouble. Banish all depressing forebodings. W

, and if occasion demand, I know you will guard my Bertie, my high-strung, passio

etter when I return. Sleep, and dream of our pretty cottage

a blue veil, Beryl took a pasteboard box from a table, on which lay bru

ewing-machine, bending so close to her work that she did not see the tall

o good as to go up after a while,

re, but I have some sewing t

it upon her, and allow your daughter Maggie to sleep on a pallet by her bed, while I am gone. I cannot tell you how grateful I shall be for an

each other's suffering, for it is about all we have to share. Don't you worry and fret, for I will see your ma has what she nee

machine, Mrs. Emmet looked up, and involuntaril

she passed through the rear entrance of a large and fashionable photograph

was a man of middle-age, of rather stern and forbidding aspect; and a

m packed for the express going East. They are birthday gifts, a

examined the pictures; then took from an envelope in the box, two sho

Here Patterson, take this box, and letter to Mr. Endicott, and if satisfactory, carry them to t

ed. Mr. Mansfield, have

Have not heard a word, pro or con. Guess no news is good news; for

de last week, and that to-day

yet transpired. You young people have no respect for red tape, and methodical business routine.

y that I might receive good tidings to-day. I am obliged to go South on an errand, which will necessitate an absence of several days, and if you should have any news for me, keep it until I call again. If unfavorable i

Any message,

l right; first-rate;' a

early as you can, as I guess there will be a lot

u. Good-b

Absorbed in grave reflections, and oppressed by some vague foreboding of impending ill, dim, intangible and unlocalized-she moved slowly along the crowded sidewalk-unconscious of the curious glance

uivered, at sight of the crimson rose heart, and flaming paeony cheeks of royal Summer; and creamy and purple chrysanthemums that quill their laces over the russet robes of Autumn, here stared in indignant amazement, at the premature presumption of snowy regal camellias, audaciously advancing to crown the icy brows of Winter. All latitude

d nodding in dreams of its habitat, in some vanilla scented Brazilian jungle, to a bed of vivid green moss, where skilful hands had grouped gre

instantaneously the blended breath of heliotrope, tube-rose and mignonette wafted her across the ocean, to a

e of that cluster


ith a few rose gera

t is wonderfully large, and th

in, but poverty is a grim, tyrannous stepmother to tend

le blue double violets, with a sprig of lemo

the florist selected and bound the blossoms i

more for one Grand Duke


spare from her small hoard, and said: "Will you be so kind

ened the door of the comfortless attic room, where for many months she had struggled bra

on the ground beside her. At the sound of the opening door, she lifted her head, and tears dripped upon the paper. In her faded flannel dressing-gown, with tresses of bla

came home? The exertion of g

uncomfortable in that wretchedl

e; and he has prescribed some new medicine which you will find in this bottle. The directions a

he Doctor s

e cured in time, if we will only be patient and

llows; turned over the mattress, and beat it vigorously; t

m tangling while I am away. What a pity you did not dower your daughter with part of it, instead of this taw

ed her flowers, and holding her hands beh

-with great amber grape clusters-and white stars of jasmine shining through the

e cannot afford such luxuries now. The perf

issed her cheek, and kneeling before her, crossed her arms on the invalid's lap,

ime, on a bitterly painful and humiliating mission. To-night, let me be indeed your little girl once more. My heart brings me to your knees, to say my

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