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At the Mercy of Tiberius

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 5122    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

h the abundance wherewith God blessed the land. During that period, when it became necessary to select a site for a new Penitentiary, the salubrity and central location of

y sun of "Reconstruction" smiled upon the grave of States' Rights, Municipal money disappeared in subterranean channels. Thus it came to pass, that with the exception of a small "lockup" at

ng mart and busy traffic, by the winding river that divided the little city into North and South X-, it crested an eminence on the north; and the single lower story flanking the main edifice east and west, resembled the trailing wings of some vast bird of prey, an exaggerated simulacrum of a monstrous gray condor perched on a "coigne of vantage," waiting

nd even under the chill frown of iron barred windows, golden sunshine bravely smiled, soft grasses wove their emerald velvet tapestries

a boy of four years was tossing. Her hazel eyes were full of kindly light, the whole face eloquent with that patient, limitless tenderness, which is the magic chrism of maternity, wherewith Lucina and Cuba abundantly anoint Motherhood. The blessed and

s are snug and safe for th

ngs such a beastly name. Kids, ind

the next Fair. Beasts of the field, all of them. The always-wide-awake-contrariness of womankind is a curious and fearful thing. If I had called our beloved

here the Elect are appointed to stand, at that great day when the sheep come up on the right hand of th

l; and being one of the Elect you could not get the points of the celestial compass mixed. Don't you forget, that it is part of the unspoken marriage contract, that the wife must not on

s shoulders, shook her, in to

have half a mind not to help you out of your scrape; for of

ve years older than when she came here. There are great dark hollows under her eyes, and two red spots like coals of fire on her cheeks. I said: 'Are you sick, that you reject your meals?' To which she replied: 'Don't trouble yourself to send me food; I cannot eat!' Then I told her I understood that she was restless at night, and I advised her to take a mixture which would quiet her nerves. She shook her head, and I could not bear to look at her; the eyes seemed so like a wounded fawn's, brimful of misery. I asked her if there was anything I could do, to make her more comfortable; or if she needed medicine. All this time she kept up her quick walk to and fro, and she answered: 'Thank you. I need nothing-but death; and that will come soon.' Now what could I say? I felt such a

s nothing I would not do to comfort her, but I would rather have my ears boxed than witness her suffering. The day I carried to her a change of clothes, until her own could be washed, and sewed up her dress sleeve. I did nothing but cry. I could not help it, when she moaned and wrung her hands, and said her mother's heart would break. I have heard all my lif

he case to you. Just let you

will you e

he star

stay here

tell Jarvis wher

you are not to i

this bleating fold; and you know I am as utterly useless wit

on lattice-work of the upper part of the door, made a perpetual crepuscular atmosphere within. The bare floor, walls, and low ceiling were spotlessly clean and white; and an iron cot with heavy brown blankets spread smoothly and a wooden bench in one corner, constituted the furniture. Scrupulous neatness reigned everywhe

she appeared to have retreated as far in the gloomy den as the barriers allowed. Thinking that perhaps the girl was praying, the warden's wife waited some minutes, but no sound greeted her; and so motionless was the figure, that it might have been only an alto rilievo carved on the wall

ok both hands, an

e it right to

hing but human justi

ience tells

ed of stealing, and of bloodshed. Justice! What a horrible sham! We-her victims-who adored the beneficent and incorruptible at

, and a spasm of shuddering

, proof something very different. You

crime has been committed, and outraged law, screaming for vengeance, pounces like a hungry hawk o

u uttered that day was true, and I believe that our merciful God will protect you

d grovel, and beg for mercy; but innocence lays hold upon the v

Starvation is the surest leech for depleting soul and body. Do you want to die here in prison, leaving your name tarnished, and smirched with suspicion of crime, when you can live to proc

the law is a cunning net for the feet of the innocent and the un

nt on you yet; for sin alone stains, and if you will only be brave and clear yourself as I know you can, what a grand triumph it will be. If you starve yourself you seal your doom. An empty stomach will do you more harm than the Grand Jury and all the lawyers; for it utterly upsets your nerves, and makes your brain whirl like a top. For three days and nights you have not tasted food: now just to please me, since I have

ty, gilt-banded white china. What a contrast it presented, to the steamin

rs. Singleton's shoulder

iation of your kindness, I wish I could eat that dainty luncheon; but I think it would st

him. This was his christening present from my mother. It is very precious, very sacred to me. If you wi

soner's lips, and seeing the kind hazel eyes swimming

looked wistfully at it, and kiss

t possible proof; for only the good could be allowed to touch what my dead bo


iation. The thought of breathing the same atmosphere pollutes me. I think the loathsomeness of perdition must consist in association with the depraved and wicked. Not the undying flames would affrig

shall not bring you back here. There is time enough for cells when you have been co

so hunted down, I am growing suspicious of the a

ok her hand and p

me; and for the present, I intend to keep you in a room adjo

indeed. May God bless

s whom the besotted inmates resembled, the two women walked; and once, when a clank of chains and a hoarse

o death, and poisoned his mother. We think she is really insane, and as she is dangerous at times, it

l here and retain their reason; and madness is

es glittered with an unnat

door with solid iron panels, and rang

he order?

t to get into the chap

ack, and the guard touc

s of wooden benches crossing the floor from wall to wall. Even here, the narrow windows were iron barred, but sunshine and the sweet, pure breath of the outside world entered freely. Within the altar railing, and at the

re of the prisoner who wandered to and fro, the warden's wife noticed that like a magnet the music drew her nearer and nearer each time she approached the chancel, and at last she stood with one hand on the railing. The beautiful face, sharp

ealm; the white lids quivered, the stern lines of the pale lips unbent. At that moment, the face of her father seemed floating on the sunbeams that gilded the pulpit, and the tones of her moth

hast Thou f

tears rushed, and sinking on her knees she rested agai

, but she played for a while longer; then stol

edge-sparrow poured his heart out in that peculiarly pathetic threnody which no other feathered throat contributes to the varied volume of bird lays. Poised on the point of an iron spike in the line that bristled along the wall

"Peas ripe?

d in all the riotous carnival of color on Nature's palette, from shifting glory of summer clouds, to the steady fires of red autumn skies-we find no blot, no break, no blurred abortive passages, until man stepped into creation's story. In the material, physical Universe, the divine rhythm flows on, majestic, serene as when the "morning stars sing together" in the choral of prais

ddened Mrs. Singleton's meditations, as she watched the lengthening shadow cast by the tower upon the court-yard; but she was not addicted

air, and a moment later, the piercing treble of a child's cry mad

ot known an instant of repose; nervous dread had scourged her to the verge of frenzy, but when the flow of long-pent tears partly extinguished the fire in her brain, overtaxed Nature claimed r

ain of dreams. Deftly, and softly as thistledown falls, she spread her own shawl over the drooping shoulders, then noiselessly hurried back to the door. Locking it, she took the key, ran across the grass, into the arcade, and up to the great

en I walked her, but I would as soon try to swing to a greased snake. She wriggled and bucked, and tied herself up into a bow knot, and yelled-. Oh! a Comanche papoose is a dummy to her. As if I had not hands full, arms full, and ears full, Dick must needs wake up and pitch head foremost out of the cradle, and turn a double summerset before he landed upside down on the floor, whereupon he lifted up his voice, and the concert grew lively. I took him under one arm, so, and laid Missy over my shoulder, and it struck me I would join the chorus in self defence, so I opened with all my might on 'Hold the Fort'; but great

ation stood in drops, and watched with

ed, and Dick, drying his eyes on the maternal bosom, sh

baby's hair is dripping wet, an

, too. I sprinkle

! Have you los

so black in the face, I thought she was strangling; and my step-mother always sprinkled me when I had a fit

nd baby's woollen cap hanging on the knob of the bureau. Bless her precious heart

e how you tame them

u. I just love them, and they know it

ed over his wife, and

what luck had

have saved that poor girl

you man

lesh and blood woman, and not

s she se

cked her up there, and here is the key. When she wakes, I want her brought up here, put in that room yonder, and left entirely to me, until her trial is over. I never do things half w

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