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At the Mercy of Tiberius

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 3483    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

enger express going north was detained fourteen hours; thereby missing connection at Washington City, where the passengers were again delayed nearly twelve hours. T

ny to which she was subjected by a man genteelly dressed, who gave her his hand as she steppe

as vexed to see it backing out into the stream, and leaned

for the boat. You seem to have had

is eyes were keen as a ferret's; and without answering his question, she turned away and looked across the water which teemed with craft of every description, laden with freigh

st-Street, between

d your questions are of

tepped closer to her, threw back his blue overco

and have a warrant for your a

e is some blunder, some mistake. Ho

e. Better come quietly into the station near, and I will read you the warrant,

for what

t you for the murder o

I have just left him. Stand back! Do not touc

, he beckoned to two men clad in pol

than useless, and since there

me frightful mistake. I am a la

to arrest and hold a woman named Beryl Brentano, who corresponds in every resp

a sickening horror seized and almost paralyzed her, blanching her face and turning her to stone. As he led her along the street, she staggered from the numbness that possessed her, and her eyes star

protected and innocent woman. You call yourselves men? Have you no mothers, no sisters,

mble the blaze that leaped up in her eyes, as she wrenched her arm from t

lind and deaf machines that obey orders. Read the warra

the night which she had spent at the station. Then several telegrams were placed before her. The description of herself, her dress, even of the little basket and shawl, was minutely accurate;

hameful, cruel outrage? Save me from

he lilies of the field and watching the flight of sparrows, has tender care for all who trust Him. Even in this terrible trial

and in the next room a female detective will receive and retain every thing in your possession, exce

l beside the throne of Christ! Save me at least from the degrada

ed only the few pennies reserved to pay her passage across

tall, angular woman opened

xamine the prisoner, and search her clo

his indignity!" crie

, madam. We h

nd her, the constable wal

half believed her protestations; but here in the basket, sure enough, hidden at the bot

and actress also. This is a beastly trade of ours, hunting down and trapping the unwary. Sometimes I feel no b

ession, one of the policemen light

e back, followe

y nothing secrete

of any de

e, s

lry and money, at least a portion of it, and

to my mother, to whom they were given by her f

possible for your own sake; because y

will, it must, vindicate me. Wha

rday's paper, with an account of the whole affair, telegraphed from X--

ce of the disappearance of the will, which was the sole obstacle that debarred her from her grandfather's wealth. Although sustained by an unfaltering trust in the omnipotence of innocence, she was tormented by a dread spectre that would not

application to her grandfather, that she had set out on her journey feeling as though it were a challenge to fate; and this was the answer? The vague distrust, the subtle sombre presentiment, the haunting shadow of an inexplicable ill, had all meant this; this bloody horror, dragging her fair name down to the loathsome mire of the slums of crime. Had

her's image was the one centre around which all things circled;

to take me

overhaul you here, so he went straight to Trenton with a requisition from the Governor of his State upon Governor Mansfield, for your surrender. It is but a short run to the Capital, and he expects to ge

mother. I must give her

imed by the officer wh

can go to her. Oh! I beg of you, for the sake of common humanity, carry me

ifted her hands imploringly; and the anguish in her white qui

evil-doers. Things look awfully black for you, but all the same I am sorry for you, if your mother is to suffer for

foul, horrible wrong infl

seeing only the suffering woman in that dreary attic across

ir petals. Their perfume was the potent spell that now melted her to tears, and the tension of her overtaxed nerves gave way in a passionate burst of sobs.

e me some pap

ite here at

oached her, and

ee your mother and explain why you could not ret

ht of a stranger would startle her. In one way you

tation; but I

into his hand the


w s

ne o'clock

u-a thous

folded a sheet con


red my grandfather, and stolen his will. Need I tell you that I am as innocent as you are? The thought of my mother is the bitterest drop in my cup of shame and sorrow. You can judge best, how much it may be expedient to tell her, and you can devise the kindest method of breaking the truth, if she must know it. Have her removed to the hospital, and do



rove, deliver th

ate sheet


ars. Try to be patient until I can come and tell you everything, and believe that God will not forsake us. With these hurried lines, I send you a few chrysanthemums-your favorite flowers-which I gathered in the rose garden of your old home. Whe



r shawl, and now, with dry eyes and firm white lips, she kissed them twice

sleep to-night; and if I survive this awful outrage, perpetrated

marble lily in the fingers of a monumental effigy, Mrs. Fos

say, the safer you will be; and run no r

motive, but I have

and on her shawl

ed the use


hook it out, then wrapped it closely about her, and sat down, keeping her eyes fixed on the face of the clock tic

r you to Officer Gibson at

stooping suddenly touched with her lips th

unexpectedly, that psychic necromancer-association of ideas-selected some episode from the sombre kaleidoscope of this dismal journey, and set it in lurid light before her, as startling and unwelcome as the face of an enemy long dead. Life and personality p

he Autumnal bivouac; and throughout the long days and dreary lagging nights. Beryl was fully conscious of a ceaseless surveillance, of an ever-present shadow, which was tall and gaunt, wore a drab overcoat and slouched hat, and was redolent of tobacco. As silent as two mummies in the crypts of Karnac they sat side by s

re responsible

awyer, who made the affidavit under which the warrant was iss

aking me t

esult of the preliminary examinat

g gloom; there was a possibility of

e examination

little. Here we are. What a crowd to welcome us! Don't stir. We will just

hed in to stare at the prisoner, whose arrival had been impatiently expected. On the railway platform and about the station house surged a sea of human heads, straining now in the dir

Now is o

the steps, and pushing her forward, turned a corner of th

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