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Skyside: Book Five of The Channel Riders

Skyside: Book Five of The Channel Riders


Chapter 1 Skyside

Word Count: 4008    |    Released on: 26/02/2018


le took a good look at their approach and then raced back into the trees. Elena nodded to herself; satisfied that word of th

n invasion forc

They hadn't planned to ship out, especially as the season was almost fully closed, but they were forced into an emergency evacuation. Gear was grabbed and

on he managed to unearth from the back of the freezer and brew the last of the coffee. Somehow he made it stretch to feed the crew and the many families they were bringing

space station that served as the human centric hub on the intergalactic trade routes, but they would need to stock up before their first

en since the evacuation. While most of them brought gear of some sort very little of it proved to be practical. The batteries for the electronics were all depleted and w

fiancé Kiera were jointly in charge of the on planet operations and Elena knew he would want

ing our passengers

passengers and spotted several small launches making their way towards her. The first pulled

ecognized him as one of Thompson's men. The sinking of the military's first wor

down. "I have some people wh

with a smile. "Each of us can take fifteen

l get them into groups." She answered. Elena turned to

efault first mate called. "Form up into

lifting small children into their arms while others went to fetch what gear they managed to bring alo

ing launch. When the launch was full, another one pulled up and the process began again. Elena looked

the large ships the Librarians used were still docked. Even at a distance they dwarfed the merchant class channel riders. She knew there were at l

said, mostly to herself although Benjamin smiled at her comment. Instead of looking like a random outpost in the middle

uilding tradition whether they were merchant class channel riders or archive class vessels, they blended as variations on a theme. Not

ssels, but who had only a passing familiarity with sailing ships. Elena could imagine a grumpy ship builder tacking on a mast and sails under protest. The resulting concoction was a graceless

with Thompson when signaled, Benjamin merely signaled back that they should wait until docking for answers. All of the other ships sai

ode, ' Elena thought. 'Won'

r ship's cat as Spin skulked off to the pilot house to hide out with her apprentice Jennifer. Spin was cautiously optimistic of the passengers at first as many of them used the rods and reels to br

ak downs. She was distracted from her thoughts of her cat's mental health by a small boy who walked over

ose fur dried into stiff spikes. If teddy bears formed punk bands, Elena was sure this one would qualify as a

told the boy. "And I hope you

ith a very serious face. Behind him Elena could s

e nodded and held out his hand for her to shake. She put on h

ing a hand on his shoulder. "You and Rufus co

all the injured dignity he

" Elena c

na a smile of victory and

in this next group, " his mother

o an episode of the Love Boat. "Just call me Captain Stubing, " she

me Julie or Isaac

could pull off?" she asked

yawn. "That's the last of the passengers, though.

to claim one of the bunks shipboard and catch up on some slee

ions will no doubt be epic and I cannot wait to hear Will's response." Elena glanced back to where Wi

in and Jennifer cautiously emerged from the pilot house, both

elaxed enough to start calling Elena by name, however the evacuation made her look at El

"Once Benjamin finishes his sweep bel

to sigh at the stiffness. Benjamin emerged

we could take the lost and found to shore in case they are m

ked at her as though she were crazy, turned and

we didn't run out of. What about Will and his men?" Benj

et it over with, " she said. "Let's pick them up on the way in." The din

ride in?" Ele

the oars from Benjamin and they made their way to the stone pier projecting into the sea. Benjamin tied the small boat off on a projection of stone and everyone piled out and began walking

e in, " he told her as he pointed out the tra

dy repeated his instructions too many times to count. "If you aren't joining someone already here, she will assign

detailed?" he asked returning to their

her hand through her hair and

of the ships will be unloaded and settled by midafter

eople were evacuated, it was a secret that didn't belong to them and they weren't going to be the ones to t

ed, knowing all of the ships would

...support staff have been adding to our supplies with small gardens. The new folks will alter the calculations, but not drastically. We should be okay, especially if you can set up a series o

schedule of runs." Elena told him. "A few days on shore will do all of us good and al

officially under Councilor Inoue Riko's purview, but Elena spoke to Akashi, the man leading the group here and thought they

barracks, " Mateo told Thompson. "We moved ex

stured towards his men, working alongside the others. "Can you spare one

odded, saw the old lady to shore where three small children were waiting for her and walked over to join them. The tropical sun tanned him well and brought o

e what is needed?" Mateo said deliberately making it a question instead of an order so Michael

, " Mich

things are settled

d and Thompson's three new crew members followed him down the pa

go see if Consuelo needs a hand, " Benjamin s

Kiera has a place for us on shore tonight or if we should

rail leaving Elena alone with Thompson. Elena watched the new arri

e tonight. Get food and rest, " she told them adding t

ey were alone again. Elena looked at him but didn't say a wor

g like this, " he chided her. Elena turned bac

ere isn't, "


ation occur?" She replied. "B

"Elena, "

" she told him. "It's not m

ena noticed he looked nearly as beaten down as

him. "But only a little

ment party, the Council was re-evaluating his status as well as the status of the other lost families, many of whom Thompson was in contact with. Elena wa

il member, was not thrilled with the events and she had the feeling he would try to deny Thompson status.

ter, so maybe their standing is highe

ng them official protection once he and Kiera were married. It was one of the reasons Elena was holding back from getting involved in the settling of the new arrival

ou out on a date and incurred the wrath of Peter Bar

reminded him. "You were my esco

d her. Elena looked at him with surprise remembering how after the party he kisse

?" she

know why they are here?" Thompson started walking towards Mateo and Elena had to hurry to ca

to sail for your House have been accounted for and Ki

ow stood out in sharp relief making him look slightly dangerous. The three of them started walking towards the village

. She really hoped Kiera was in a sharing mood as she knew Evan would be even less receptive to an evasive answer

of five huge and ancient stone buildings, one located at each of the cardinal directions and one placed in the center. The Librarians converted these cavernous structures into archiva

of the Guild, a faction so strong and separate from the rest of the Guild that it tended to function semi-autonomously, few looked into his twinkling

s at last. I'm sure the reason for this influ

a and make sure everyone is settled before sitting dow

her Librarians. "I will be up at the village, " he told the yo

f his head. He moved off, no doubt to spread the word. Elena exc


e dark." He said. Elena shook her head a

w Mateo stifle a laugh. As Thompson was next to him, Elena knew he more than likely heard Evan's comment as well although he gave no indica

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