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Skyside: Book Five of The Channel Riders

Chapter 3 Skyside

Word Count: 3097    |    Released on: 26/02/2018


eighteen years and Elena realized she went through a lot in the last couple of days, more than most apprentices went through in s

ena picked one of the empty tubs, opened the gate to let the water pour in and moved the privacy screen so that it shielded her from view. She stepped behind the screen and peeled off the clothes she had been wea

biodegradable, chemical free body wash, shampoo and conditioner from her bag along with a wash cloth. With no water treatment pl

e frigid water shocked her system. She finished with her body and washed her hair, rinsing it by reopening the sluice gate.

earing a noise, she looked up as she swung her bag to her shoulder and caught sight of a naked Thompso

ull the screen before you take

" he called back. She could h

lanet that I'm aware off, " she told

herself, Elena left Thompson to bathe. Despite the cold water, she could feel sleep pulling at her. Her headache was star

everything else in the ruins, the archaeologists had determined that the alien inhabitants of this planet were a great deal taller than most humans. Elena could only surmise that the small doorwa

o two cross beams and re-enforced with bracers. It had handles on the interior making it easier to shift. Elena moved it into place and cursed at her lack of foret

and a container of bug spray. "All the comforts of home, " she said to herself as she sat on the cot. Off to the side, she could see a small hearth. From pictures she knew

on so she could wear it in the morning and unable to find a clean t-shirt to sleep in, she slipped into the sleeping bag wearing only her underwear. She clicke

and bringing both the Storm Chaser and the Rover through the channel. With the exception of a dream about fighting dragons she had when she stayed with her family for Nate's wed

ad gotten a better look at the tattoo. Wondering what it actually was would bother her until she found out. She couldn't deny the man looke

from the lightning popped through the small chimney. Once she identified the soun

o the side and sunlight streamed into the small room. Elena rolled over and looked at Thompson as he stepped inside. Elena sat up, forge

e pulled them both on quickly as Thompson turned ar

was dressed. She smoothed the sleeping bag ba

at, " he said.

c as thoughts of a naked Thompson flashed through her mind. She

and wanted to speak with you, so I volunteered to get you.

said. "How lat

told her. "Most of the quarters don't have windows and with the doors blocked for the nigh

it is not just me

ed back through the doorway and Elena put on

, " she thought. She stepped outsid

ed as they walked to

Apparently Lucas' prescription of food, rest and water was appropriate. She decided to

" he re

ull report f

pson told her

p to nefarious deeds since

rrow, " He replied. "But I told them to k

"You never know when we'll try to sl

t him, got a tray of scrambled eggs, toast and jam, and a mug of tea from the serving line and settled down at one of the tables. Thompson joined her and in a few mi

esperately to find the latrines. With the pilots cleared out and waiting to be called for instructions, Elena escaped to the latrines with a sigh of relief. Task complete, she looked around

lize that with the angle of the sun you should probably be sitting over the

that Thompson was going to be sticking to her. She began compiling a schedule for the ships not needing repairs to begin leaving port. She then dated the supply list to give to Mateo so each ship could be supplied

hat she would need to be one of the first ships to leave in order to set up agreements

ed that she had forgotten him. He smiled wickedly. "Perhaps someone from your shipyard would make a good cand

they aren't my worke

pairs, " he said gesturing to the list she

he said reassuringly. "We are very good at

ond of Smith's ineptitude, but he's already complimented me on keeping the few military personnel with

growing serious. "It's why full

ersations with various Councilors. "Why does everyone think that I am plotting to kill people? Do I just h

don't think Evan would have a problem killing them to be honest, or more than likely ordering one of his people to do the deed, although he seem

uncovered about the notorious Baranov. Elena heard stories for as long as she cou

House haven't been guests on

After the Matrovean raiders cut off some of the more lucrative trade routes and several of the ships sailing for Peter's House decided to work

replied. "Peter wouldn't have le

She allowed Peter's ships some of the more lucrative routes in order

Elena sighed and stood, Tho

o and arrange suppli

to the open sided tent where Mateo was bent over a bunch of metal pieces. He was humming

hat, " Elena said. Mateo looked up with a grin and

al works by pressing a big red button, " he told her. "Some o

id, pulling up a cha

do you ha

ng, we'll need someone to keep track and assign docking space so we don't end up in a muddle, especially if I get Akashi and his peo

ter know, " h

replied. Mateo nodded and turn

of a stickler for rules and he doesn't look like someone you'd want to cross, which seem to be the

have to say a good sort is not how I'd describe most harbor

. "Do you remember that one on Dewras? I

et a buzz from breathing too deeply around

uth? So do you ha

." Mateo took the sheets Ele

pping ou

ad of House I'll have to arrange for t

. Two days

shi and get repairs started if he is willing as well as to organ

elease Sam for duty if he was willing. Once Sam agreed, Elena ran over the basic schedule and left him to find

k with Akashi,

hannel rider ship yard, " he r

n't Guild. I don't know how he'

with a wink. Shaking her head, Elena turned her steps toward the

sentries speak En

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