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Skyside: Book Five of The Channel Riders

Chapter 2 Skyside

Word Count: 2450    |    Released on: 26/02/2018


modations, giving directions to the bathhouse, mess hall and latrines as well as c

, " she commented to herself. Evan gave her a s

d his fiancé. Kiera s

s what happened and all I can sa

aid. She noticed Thompson eying Kiera and knew he figured out

young child to the already packed bathhouse. "You might want to wait until t

efore then. That way I can bathe, grab some food and pass out until I feel human again." Elena suggested. Sh

sat down. She could see milling groups around the bathhouse and the space they used for the mess hall and figured anyone not in either of those places was getting settled in one of the

t leak beyond this place, every one of my people will deny it and give you no proof. In fact we will do everything in our power to make you look ins

scend from her hand, shooting out around her fingers. Leaves unfurled and grew turning glossy green, flowers budded along the vine and blossomed into blousy white flowers. Kiera uncurled her hand and they could see small rootlets wiggli

an said breaking the silence.

his response. "We can also tell what the plant ne

. Thompson reached out and ran a finger along one of the leaves. He didn't say anything, but El

nce them that they saw an optical illusion, other times we simply disappear and reappear in another town. This time when

rrived home, docking at Grant's Inlet. We were scheduled to begin winterizing the ship the following day as the season was nearing its end." Elena saw Mateo lift an eyebrow. He more than

outbreak or contagion and use that as an excuse to give the children blood tests and sequester them away for a time. He did not want this to happen so I called an evacuation. All pilots of my House were called to the docks along with everyone who needed pa

at the Marta I found it was still passable and not yet closed for the season, so I entered the channel

was closed for the se

e channel was not something she wanted to do. It was technically speaking, not something she should have been able to do. Several days after stretching the channel she was still feeling some of the effects. Her muscl

owing he was watching her for any sign she

closed now and we will need to stay sky

until the season opens

w there will be an increased need for supplies. Most of the ships will be as low as we are. Tomorrow morning I will gather the pilots and we wi

king of Akashi and the shipyard located further up the coast. "And as I told you

t making lists, " Kiera said. "I sh

go amiss, " Elena said. "It will giv

re willing to carry them, " Evan said. "It would

k with you or a person designated by you before shipping out to collect any message

lieve we have some documents that may interest you. There are stories of the Pelson from the Clovian Sector, you know. They have some legends

e, " Kiera promise

head back to the archives then. My thanks for allowing me into this discuss

o eat before bathing, " Mateo said. He glanced at Kiera

told him. Kiera stood and Thompson picked up his bag, swinging it to his shoulder as h

ave that couples telepathy down,

Elena explained what happened, how she saw the edges of the channel like the layers


on, " she

st opened the chan

ious between the Marta and this channel. I pulled us thro

d n

lso have a headache that comes and goes. Each t

village. "They've set up a basic office there, if my brother isn't there, Melanie will be." He pushed her towar

thing else she might be able to convince either her cousin or his girlfriend to give her

iffering opinions. Since it was a rather unique case they had no definite answers. She was given two aspirins and told to eat, rest, drink lots of w

roll, a bowl of what looked like stew, a small salad with fresh greens that only slightly resembled lettuce and a glass of water. She took her meal to the table an

ena said. She popped the two pills

" Thompson aske

some aspirin, " She told him. He n

Elena checked on her apprentice and found her sprawled face down, fully dressed on her small cot. Jennifer was sound asleep. Deciding not to wake her, Elena and Benjamin returned to the ship to collect their persona

e evacuation thing?" Benjamin asked

t we are skyside until the season opens, but not terribly upset about it. Despite everything they'

uncil earthside, he can learn more." Benjamin guessed.

no one to pull me into politics when I go to the DF, " she said with a smile. "And

ll of the people giving her problems were far, far away and she had eight full months where she didn't have to deal with them. No one to pus

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