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The Ultimate Heartbreak of Chef Zheng Mimi

The Ultimate Heartbreak of Chef Zheng Mimi


Chapter 0 Prologue When Modern Sleeping Beauty Finally Awakens

Word Count: 1074    |    Released on: 08/05/2018

dern Sleeping Bea

lder and experienced nurse in the hospital. The Head Nurse turned her attention to the young woman and r

ndoned room at the end of hall. The Head Nurse sighed as she stared at the twenty-one-year

inside of it. The only people that see her are the two old janitors that switch shifts every two weeks. Otherwise, no one knows how the girl is or how

ger and disbelief, "That's illegal! How c

her, "She's been in a coma for approximately four years. One of our longest

After all, shouldn't doctors and nurses do their very best for a patient's health? By the looks of it, they were tired of the p

ly noticed the determination in the foreign woman's orbs. She crossed her ar

Nurse sarcastically mumbled, "Don't come cr

t that the janitors hadn't bothered with and she then proceeded to give the patient a bath. Though it was a bit difficult

ilianne White had seen while staying in China. Even the models she had seen on TV didn't compare as the woman had long, glossy black hair that paired with thick, yet unkempt eyebrows. Although the woman was really slim becau

's words: the patient had not woken up for a

e made a promise—she would befri

nce and hygiene and made sure to monitor her heartbeat and other vitals. She also began massaging her muscles so that the woman wouldn't spend as much time in physical therapy due to inactivit

ssumed the girl was a hopeless case—she never stirred or showed any signs of waking up. It was like she was an em

Sleeping Beauty's eyes fluttered. She found herself staring at a pair of doe-like, dark eyes that contrasted with her

e as the young intern quickly and urgently yelled for the doctor. She t

her, Nangong Longwei had frantically entered the tent only to find he was too late. He saw her close her tearful eyes for an eternal slumber...

officially in the modern world and there was no wa

eeling she was in a coma for a long time. Zheng Mimi swallowed her sali

her heart full with pity for the former comatose girl... she promised herself that she would take care of the woman out of pit

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