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The Ultimate Heartbreak of Chef Zheng Mimi

Chapter 1 1. Rotten Eggs are the New Cupid

Word Count: 1322    |    Released on: 08/05/2018

Eggs are t

owtowing before him. His expressionless features were cold enough to freeze the Underworld, his ruthlessness causing many to shiver. The min

ong the other ministers. The man that was bowing knew that he'd risk his life with what he was asking, but he bravely cont

, causing everyone to shudder and pray for the idiotic

voice faltered, "We need he

mbled but squeak

ly, "We have made the empire prosper for many years without complaint, b

d fervidly, "Your Highness is magna

anger, awaiting the ministe

"But a crown prince should be s

he then proceeded to point at the bowing man with his index finge

wed. The emperor closed his eyes at his fo

or forgiveness as the emperor's guards dragged him away. Unfortunately for hi

else caring to share their opinion about Our heirs and marriage

s morning court. Once the last member left, he left his throne room and began wandering his

ery moment of it. He kept thinking: what if he never left the tent? What if he pr

aura of melancholy surrounding him and sighed, "Nangong Longwei, how long ar

at the woman with disgust, "How long are

imes... why did he never give her the look that he gave two other women? Albeit the first one he wa

im to want death to lull hi

noring Nangong Longwei's question. "How long are yo

il Yu Zhenzhen appeared before him and explained the whole conspiracy,

ty and

mile sadly since deep in her heart,

u like to go t

ad eyes glimmering with a tint of hope. Yu Zhenzhen sig

a gaze of wonder. She ignored his dark, phoenix eyes and explained, "Yo

is is another one of

eve me. I know I omit an aura of negativity, " she mockingly pointed at herself, "but I cannot withstan

was being held back by an invisible rope. Yu Zhenzhen took a deep breath and placed a rotten egg in his mouth, despite his struggling. She forced him to swallow and whispered,

ul, completely ignoring the terrible taste of the egg. He finally understood that

d he was released. He turned to

n audible thud when his soul disappeared completely. Yu Zhenzhen sighed in relief and shame. Despite beginning her journey of getting over Nangong Longwei, she didn't

good f

to the duo. The ghost stared at the cracking sky. It seemed like what she had feared was becoming reality—the

cared for Zheng Mimi. From her maid, Er Xi, that Yu Zhenzhen herself never treated with respect to Yu Lijie, the brother she had taken for granted. Even her parents that had suffered because of her selfishness, she allow

led nostalgically and closed her eyes, a peaceful aura surrounding her. No longe

t slowly faded away, destroyi

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