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Prey World - Counterrevolution

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 920    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

gy when the Aureans even topped their own genius

of interstellar colonization, our ancestors finally reached

day. About 2000 years have passed since then. Perhaps even more - or less. Who can say this with certainty? Muc

imed the boy, laughing and si

rough his soft, blond hair

t`s a fact!", he said and sa

ecause of his funny dream. Nevertheless, he did not attach all too much importance to i

wning. Then Frank zapped through the countless television channels. Most people in Belarus and Lithuania were only allowed to watch the

tty reporter. Frank paused, sharpening his ears to understand the English speaking woman. She smi

!", answer

a view into your id

the world have prompted me to think about a better future society. A

ons to remedy the social injustice

s. I have a concept – and

explain collectivi

overthrow of capitalist exploitation mechanisms and the transfer of all private property into the hands of the pe

ement something like tha

te to overthrow their oppressors. The property in our world has to be redistributed for the benefit of all. I p

e to be resolved definitively, because they prevent people from being equal

re will be no more room for social injustice. Collectivism is therefore

opist, Mr. Mardochow

rld of justice and human sensitivity to help the underprivileged people. For many ye

ns of poor people in all parts of the world? So I have developed the revo

e and more people across Europe and around the world believe, that this man has actually found a way to overcome hunger, poverty and misery with success.

revolutionary and they give him the chance to talk about his ideas on TV? The

There was a lot to learn about Theodore Mardochow and his "new" ideology. Now, Alf ca

and read a writing of the philosopher. Then he read some newspaper

the publication of the declaration, in the most bigger European cities. Especiall

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