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Prey World - Counterrevolution

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1017    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

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ed. "It w

t holes on the east side of the palace a

ut sorrows and fear. The revolution in spring of this year had been successful and the rebe

nes. Meanwhile, it was the question how the World Union would react on their rebellion. Frank had days of unbridled euphoria behind himself. Yes, the prospect of life in a country that belonged to them, was still like a dream for the two rebels. A dream which could ha

too much of freedom and peace, Frank", he was

h people. Today, the Council of the 300 had come together for its annual meeting

ative of the supreme body, the Council of the Wise, had vis

k-haired man in the black robe, who walked past them without saying a word towards a speaker`s desk. The World President

ar fel

Today, I talk to you about some important decisions of the

to the sacred goals of our organization. But also some problems have appeared, which we have to solv

uania have made themselves temporarily independent. Fu

ion in the last months, but now, our internal GSA studies have made i

nk we all know this. Nevertheless, the revolution of Artur Tschistokjow is q

cale one day. Tschistokjow knows us and our plans and has managed it in a brilliant way to gather millions of discon

er powerful visions of the future. Tschistokjow`s propaganda is intelligent and addresses the patriotic and social instincts o

with ordinary means. Apart from this, Tschistokjow fights our organization with a ruthlessness, as the GSA-rep

speak to the masses can become a danger for us!

expand his influence to Russia and the Ukraine, then

solate, and accordingly millions of Russians and Ukrai

future. If the Freedom Movement of the Rus is able to unite the impoverished ma

ey have remained leaderless. But under the banner of a hierarchically run

countries on earth. So the Council of the Elders will soon decide, when the GCF will invade Belarus and

ustrated people could rise against us one day, can not be banned only with GCF troops. No,

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