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Prey World - Counterrevolution

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 931    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

ow was totally confused and tried to develop a strategy against the new menace. As an expert of the global political back

ell on a fertile soil in Russia and at the beginning of July, collectivist groups and associations had already been founded in every small town in eastern Europe. Furthermore, the medi

collectivist leader Vitali Uljanin from Moscow. The police behaved leth

t above all on the Freedom Movement of the Rus and all other non-colle

was overwhelmed and had to admit, t

e. Even some of our own men seem to fall prey to this Pied Piper Uljanin!", grumb

Russian and banged on the table. "Those bast

street at his last rally - and the police did nothin

shes with the Russian police, but also with incit

threats. "That`s worse than the GCF!

unning than we have thought.

ho dares to come to Belarus, wi

be necessary!"

d n

the Russian families. Moreover, Wilden has signed an export agreement with Ja

Russia?", Peter Ulljewski wanted to know

Tschistokjow and wa

, we will make a demo

r gaped and stared

epare the rally. There is a lot of poverty, what means big potentia

in a giant street fight", gro

, remarked Tsch

in the villages around Smolensk. They rarely met any supporters of the collectivist movement, only one

, he was glad that she had come. The pretty daughter of the foreign minster was still his big love and Frank had a guilty conscience, because he hadn`t spent much time with her. Meanwhile, Artu

e headquarter of the Collectivist Association for Social Justice (CASJ). Since the early morning hou

he Freedom Movement of the Rus has taken Latvia and Tschistokjow builds up structures there. Hence, we mu

ng. But we need a punchy name, Mr. Uljan

gue of Justice", diminutive CLJ"

t!", came fr

ered Uljanin, g

sk, as I have heard yesterday. On 1th of Au

already preparing a demonstration too. This time, the Rus will face our men. Wherever they

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