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A Change of Heart - Yaoi

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 837    |    Released on: 10/07/2018

before answering,

en. My parents c


laughter was so hysterical, that he actually

n glared angrily, as Mu

for several seconds, befo

ed. 'I'm sorry….I…..

Ken grumbled at him

nly gave a look that Ken couldn

r him then, taking

oser, and kissed

ck. He couldn't believe w

away, hand goin

e you do

in a tone that suggested it was obv

the second floor suddenly ope

lled down to him. 'Hurry up and

g called up to him. He looked back

at the casual way

t were

hand still covering his mouth as if to protect hims

wondering who he was'

t angrily. 'Why do you

fled as he spoke

t him as he turned to go

angrily. As if I'd ever

him. Only once he had entered the apartment and closed the door

t all about? I can't be

ad dropped and turned back to his

all off. He took off his shoes and quietly put the bread and milk away

e. 'You're back…good. Is everything

ly. 'Everything fine. I

is mother smiled w

, leaning back against the do

elieve he

Justin asked as Must

s…a kid in my class I think

he liv

I mean I gu

holding Justin's face t

ustin said seductively as Musta

ke between ki

ng him over the sofa and trail

afe word?' Mustang

hat it is' Justin re


ning Ken wen

came across a f

down at Mustang, half-asleep on a bench an


race' Ken spat

leared somewhat then, becaus

th! My

ed and he face planted the bench, before

his back, gaz

g over' Ken

slurred. 'I'm


t on his back for several seconds like a tortoise flipped o

going to school?

grumbled, clutching his head with a hand

spat at him. 'Don't you

, suddenly frozen, still holdi

el, walking away. He

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