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A Change of Heart - Yaoi

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 854    |    Released on: 10/07/2018

wards it, touching its cool surface as a great stingray drifted above them,

bout Mustang aren'

hat obvious?' K

r arm, turning

hing you can

said. 'I would be dea

than I can express, but…' she paused then.

used. 'I sometimes…I think.' He gritted his teeth, forcing hims

ok her head. 'T

aquarium before him, at l

ank god that he did…' she faltered then, falling silent and smil

, caressing her cheek tenderly t

lost you' Alyssa finished. 'You are ev

ith a kiss, holding he

p tightened slightly and he bowed his head,

smiling over his shoulder as she he

back as he held her should

so bea

him quickly on the cheek playfully, befo

'I want to see the b

musement, unable to sto

told him briefly glancing back as she

afé, heading back home on the train, Ken walked Alyssa home before re

e fun?' his


is visits with the therapist became less frequent, until he felt he no longer needed

egan to ebb away, along with the res

o support him, to help him heal, and slo

to his home from one of his

voice came to him from the phone. 'I think

moment, holding th

er encouraged; sitting close bes

ly at her, befo

a time speaking to h

y, Ken went

a said to him as they stood at

' Ken smiled.

her again, wid

are finally retu

turning and dancing away, pausing one last

ng quickly back, heading to his own college.

said. 'There you are. Hu

e sighed. '

towards the school, pas

erhaps doing so purely by chance, perhaps doing s

e saw then, suddenly brought all the terrible m

paused. 'Are

staring away, eyes wide a

y, taking a

d after him. He ran across the road, stumbling to the side as a c

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