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A Change of Heart - Yaoi

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 838    |    Released on: 10/07/2018

tonishment. 'I've never known anyone to be so care

ide across the dry earth. The tracks were on one side of them as they went; the forest on

ed suddenly, speaking louder

other for several seconds, before turni

……I don't want you to hate me.' He fell silent again. 'But even

m desperately. 'What would your parents hav

carefully befo

y life is my own, and I will do with it as I please.' He glanced sideways at Ken then, glea

e walked, listening in si

ngly good advice……you are not the person I first t

said, 'and not just bec

ausing and turning to

opped. 'You've given me a new p

then, looking

'I think you'd like to know

ebrow sceptically. 'Why? What hav

' he frowned then, as if trying to work out what it was. 'I feel…' Mustang continued slowly, 'that….' he fell silent again. 'I feel like you are not living t

d, blinking in confu

waved hi

it's probab

then, to question Musta

hey were i

g up to them, calling a


ly brightening at the sight of the red haired


rowing himself into Mustang's

ddenly very interested i

ne looks l

moment, patting his chest in amusement, with

oing here?' Mus

be here. There are only so many places you like to hang out.

eyard?' Ken asked raising an eyebr

ear a sarcastic comment, or perhaps for h

from your friend' Ruby said,

g hesi

d him. 'I'll talk t

ure?' Must

have fun or something…or whatever you do

you again' he told him, before turning awa

angely flatt

ter Mustang as he b

used, glan

uncomfortably. 'I mean…to hang out…if

leamed. 'It woul

ess easing off slightly as he t

ked swiftly in th

ked curiously, watching

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