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Author: SBany

Chapter 1 ~1~

Word Count: 1393    |    Released on: 18/07/2018

veryone, who enters his domain, vanishes from existence, disappears from this world, from hearts of kin, from memories of people they lived with, to nev

e, to wake him up from a long slumber, that he have spent half of h

All the kids chanted in

through the whole room, scaring children and making

ight, because of you. They are too s

ut an old tale." Megan – ou

pups learn from them? It is just a bunch of lies elders tell us,

When I was young I heard it too. Everybody knows, since they are little, but it is not written any

ilver.... Miakoda." Megan's pale blue e

y watched her and wait

ever see that day to come." she eyed all of us

e scaring US." Silve

s we are a part of Clawed Moon pack and our Alpha Kodiak always protect us."

s of our pack. Just some of them. There are a lot more, a

d pack the strongest and fiercest over many years. Now days, nobody dares to even

ve werewolf group. Our generation is so lucky to live in piece. Our ter

lver: ?Are you excited about a ma

shift from a very early age, unlike me. In 21 year time, I have not shifted even on


mall thing, which is so important to a young wolf, is denied of me. What need to happe

lar youngsters, and I am not. I do not have talents to show people and I am unable to join them in our werewolf activities – running through

years now, but I still haven't found my mate. It feels the same, like my problem with shifting. Is he even out there? I would expect to meet him, as everybody from our t

" I feel my

soulmate, your other half." She made a pose of imagin

nestly, I think h

oddess have taken care of it. Everybody has his


" Silver

, but outside of work all her attention is on

ve found her mate two years ago, even before attending a mating ball. This year will be

me cheerful guy as Silver. She looks so happy, whe


y little detail of this 'magical' world. Birds chirping in a tree tops, bees buzzing near colorful spring flowers, sound of twigs snapping under my feet, a dew and slightly chill air in early mornings. I feel it it all, like my senses are heightened just being there. I feel so different, compared to, wh

them home. Silver is in a hurry to leave and Megan will surel

to let them loose. I look at myself and can't help but imagine how my wolf form would look like. Probably ge

I am sure that I am not so old to get my first grey's. I examine them closer, feeling little bit disturbed. They are not grey, I see, but pure

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