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The Billionaire Casanova in Love

Chapter 2 Prologue 2

Word Count: 822    |    Released on: 06/01/2019


?" I asked my dad as

finally decided to show up here after months. Anyways

ied. You think I'd tell him about the holiday wi

ke care of yourself. Or much better! Why don't you get ma

taking care of myself related anywh

rwise he wouldn't dare to visit again. And I'm sure yo

nk it is also your responsibility to bring your playboy so

t to dad atleast for 2 weeks. And he'll be begging for her to forgiven

erson stick to one women! I've never experi

you with hurt. I've had the sam

is ready." Mom's voice bro

o meet with my friends Nicholas Perkins and

Nick and Alex met in nursery and that's how I met

e from there. And since both the idiots didn't want to

corner of my eyes I saw a girl practically droo

I don't know what but

k a glance at the girl once again.. her green eyes hiding something behind them,

er friend in front of her who was already squealing! I sm

smiling like a f

was-" I was going to say but

it our rule not to fall in that bloody love. I

in the cafe was openly ogling at me not that I fell in love

. It's fine let

ee of us. Any issue, any fight! We go to h

people who com



rd Nick's voice. I groaned and

f Nick" I scr

mpanies from the coming week Monday. We hardly have wha

to the side

were busy drinking. For us, fun is n

epared pancakes, fresh bacon and eggs with coffe

o have our own separate penthouse. But when we feel like it we

go out for a club. Looking forward t

!! Maybe that's why I l

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