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The Billionaire Casanova in Love

Chapter 3 Job Hunt, In A Club With A Hunk!

Word Count: 1397    |    Released on: 06/01/2019


ought I'd be ready to handle dad's company from Monday. Well.

I called

etie.. in your ro

g up the stairs. You never know, it mayb

ing! Weird! I don't know mom has got a

ent near her sat her down on my bed and told her everything uncle

no expression. Finally she stood up, it

? I'll get you som

ave we lost? I mean what ar

-no.... nothing. Not even this house Mom" I finall

oor. I called out for her. I shook her. But she didn't wake up. I sprinkle

ready lost my father, I can't

t near her, put my finger below her nose. Thank god she is breathi

take mom to the hospita

hat her BP level is too low and a lot of mental stress led her to faint. See to it that she doesn't undergo any

y afternoon, I sent Kate

pick up the call. I don't know what

that everything was fine and that there's nothing to worry about. Well I had

journey to home. She went upto he

lan brought a letter to me. That was alr

eel any kind of emotion be

he house by Thursday. So we

ng in front of me. I pulled hi

rything will be fin

ok me and said that mom

room with Kate

to her. I sat there facing her. Kate

we going to do now

hat I have to be within one week. So I said "Mom

just fine. I think you should find a job honey. And with your degree I think you'll

he condition she is in right now. I looked back at

to worry or work" she

ld because of her awesome degree. And you know the company she'll be wo

I was shocked

osition out of excitement a

As she knows I'm not good at lying. When I looked up at Kate with disbelief she ga

am I going to h


started to look for

he evening. And three tomor

rtment and about the car...... I think I'll tell mom th

e fu*k did you l

was that, that the doctor said mom s

his lie really becomes a truth and I g



h her since I didn't have any interview today, b

room "What are you girls

he club" Kate said

I de

ink you should

It was always dad who used to restr

7:30pm. And mom said I can sleepover at Kate's ho

tting drunk tonight. Obviously I can't show my drun



as awesome. Girls, alcohol sounds so fun. Tha

ntering the club. I felt as though I alr

hat it's the same girl

ft to have her tonight.

. I thought that he was taking my gir

we said at t

g something or trying to recognize something. Well maybe even she is trying to figure out where she has seen

et a pretty handsome face

ht chat and drinks and then

for me. This girl spoiled my sleep

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