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The Peddler Spy


Word Count: 2933    |    Released on: 20/11/2017

argued that they were to the garrison at Windsor what the head is to the body, and that the head once off the body is useless. How poorly they succeeded

he walls. Even now Holmes did not like to use his rifles on them, and called on them to stay. They on

the rest planted their ladders and begun the ascent. Holmes, who did not like to kill any of them, ordered his men to throw down the ladd

" cried out a laughing

ing an armful of stout oak cudgels, which he had been smoothing so as to fit

aves that we do not fear them. What do they mean by coming a

y met the sortié bravely. Foremost among the party from the stockade, Boston Bainbridge came-not the Boston who sold his wares in Good Hope, but an active forester, eager for a fray. Carl Anselm, with his bruised and distorted face, looking fiendlike under the glare of the

ible from the long-armed men of Windsor. With curses both loud and dee

bridge?" he asked o

mself," repli

. Did you see him fight? Our men went down lik

from Barlow spread his nose all over his face, and now his

re i

rgeon h

s a bad


a net? I would have periled my soul on my power to hold Barlow; but my head struck a stone. That will be s

shed open the door, and entered. Theresa sat at a table, engaged in som

, Theresa?" he asked, in a

at once at playing friendship, when I, at least,

hateful to you?" he

sed to hold even respect toward you was when you struck yo

it in your power to make for yourself and for me a glorious destiny. I have influence in the old world. There is nothing I can not claim in the way of honor and wealth. My love for you is so entire that you can shape me as yo

d, so full of heart, that it was not in her natu

re. Take it. Weeks, months, a year! I can wait, only give me some hope,


my power to do as you ask. Spare me any longer speech upo

ty; you shou

ned, quietly gathering up some things from th

me too far. Remember, I can bear, and have borne much for your sa

ed, with a curl of her proud lip. "What

ing my

a redemption! Do yo

u good-night, Theresa Van Curter-as a lover, forever. In after times we may meet

ce, and the firmness which had sustained her through the interview gave w

on, sunk into repose. There was no rain, though the clouds covered the whole face of the sky. Theresa could not sle

o her lips, which was hushed by a low "hist" from the stra

issing her. "Whatever happens to-night, keep to


ragged by, when, all at once, there rose upon the still night air the shouts o

had followed close upon the trail of the men of Good Hope, and attacked them at the hour when the senses of all

utch driven into the houses within the works. These the

In the melée outside, they were separated in some way, and were driven into different hous

e garrison were fit for duty, of whom ten were in one house, under Van Curter, seven under Van Zandt, while, by a series of unlucky accidents, Paul Swedlepipe, Ten Eyck and Hans Drin

Yankees out dar', Paul Swedlepipe." The Dutchmen, as

vas I must do? No. You go look mit your ow

commands dis hous

ing tone, by way of reminding his adversary of the battle the


asserted Drinker, "by o

iar," said

Paul, "and you'

ike the ripping up of a bark roof.

t?" asked

d see," re

rst," answered the other, sto

s pipe, and sat down to smoke. Paul

d, and something could be hear

s'," quoth Hans, taking his p

yself," re

vas shal


o! You go,

ke, the doorway was darkened, and four of the detested Windsor men sprung into the ro

t, as he drew near. "No use of

taneously from th

, this. Come, boys, let's bind th

t a little. Accordingly, he unexpectedly let go his right fist, taking the Yankee under the ear. This prowess excited the others to feats of valor. Paul seized a stool

s left four men to two. Paul was overpowered in a moment; but Ten Eyck retreated to a corner, from which he menaced all who dared approach with the poker. This at first excite

hot," said one of the

r of the room. Two of the men brought this an

ve up?" crie

yck. "Never so long a

The two men raised the tub from t

nd poker at the same time. As he stood there, with the water running in streams from eve

ow, boys, follow me, but you, Seth Math

e open space within the works. The rest of the men stood there, waitin

Holmes. "Very well, indee

, with the strongest party in the works. In answer


d Captain Holme

attribute the hon

it to my quarters. It's a reciprocation of favors. We


ike all Englishmen. Do you

taken prisoners at the first rush, and those in yonder house, h

well in

to be so. Do y

n hour to

ve you fiv

re hard. What a

arch out under your own colors, with your arms and perso

keep our

the red color

ur sid

ing that

mand is the surrender

clear out-

ur terms are generous, and I b

ned in one of the houses until

Van Curter. "Place a guard upo

d over them. Holmes, Willie and Van Curter now proceeded toward the other house, and Van Curt

, Van Curter

s I;

e Engli


y are yo




We are to be allowed to march out with drums and colors, and make our way to the islands. Our private pro

Van Curter. This house is my castle; I wil

e surrendered," s

house, and the best of your men, and the morning is at hand. I will give a good account

est terms,"

ere, Yankee? I giv

use to s

se to the

ust make y

if yo

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