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The Peddler Spy


Word Count: 3820    |    Released on: 20/11/2017

d they settled themselves to wait for night, when Carl Anselm came in. His face[71] was disfigured by the knife-cut; the blood lay in thick clots about it

n. "In the name of the saints, w

" replied the other, angrily. "Come awa

to a retired spot, then

e weary and fell asleep; their voices woke me as they came, and


ainbridge, was with him. Sturm and wetter! I wi

e, quick. You fir

companion, and he jumped; if he had not done it, a ball

?" demanded the

hat devil, whom we call the peddler, was upon me with an open knife. I had mine in my hand, and made a blow at him. He is quick a

id you

my horse, I had tied him in a ravine by the river-side. Curse the Yankee, he was like a greyhound;

otal failu


I work for both. I have an account with th

you had any eyes. You love Ka

him with a quick look. "Wh


ng her into the

rlow stood at the window of my willful maid, whisperin


n Bain

It is not a trick to make m

it my

s feet. "Would that I had him here," he cried, "would that I knelt u

ver kne

ped for better things; I thought that a lover's persistency

assion the blood gushed anew from his wounded face. He caught s

ss against him." Afte

ay be done where there is a good heart in

e, cord and bullet, I will be

be," resp

u seen W

all he will be here


shall be swept from this river

ey cumber the earth no more.

he will keep h

Indian is sure. He

the block-house and

low are here; the whole is under the command of William Holmes



f such a man unt

akes treaties with the Indians, and prepares the country for the next inroad of Yankees. No man can put his finger on him and say, '


ly a name for a devil, who has taken up his abode at Windsor. I begin to think i

a man, we probably shall meet him to-night, and try the virtue of cold steel upon him. I wonder Wampset

him. At the first look, Van Zandt knew him; it was one of the men who belonged


to the point, "Where is Wampset? It is long sinc

his young friend. The Hawk hovers with outspread wings above


ods that the Eagle rested his tired wings upon the banks of the great river. The Pequods are very mad

you kn

of the Narragansetts. The Fox is very cunning, and he loves Wampset. He has sworn to have the scalp of Sassacus. He told us that h

id he d

eave his little ones a prey to

o no good. Wampset was by this time half way back to his camp, and the Fox, who had done his work well, was back in Windsor, reporting to his employer the success of the stratagem. As the reader has no doubt sur

The silence, in fact, was so profound as to be suspicious. Van Zandt, a practiced Indian-fighter, had his suspicions of such quiescence. He advanced carefully. There was only one light in the stockade. That was a fire in the center, aroun

ree men in the cabin-Barlow, Captain Holmes and Boston. They sat upon stools, by the side of a wooden table, talking eagerly in low tones. From the place where he stood, it was impossible for Carl to hear a word. But, to his astonishment, he saw that Boston not only took

behind the logs of the stockade and felt for his powder-flask. He had left it in the camp! The passion of the man was fearful to see. He ran back to find his captain, and lead him to the spot. The moment his eye rested upon the group he put a pistol into the hand of Carl. "Hold," he said, as that person was about to


to hear a word. Twice Carl raised his pistol, and as often he was restrained by the hand of his leader, who had no n

Carl, "are you going to l

you sp

devil, B

ith Barlow. Let us get out of this. I tel

ide. All at once the captain was startled by the report of a pistol, and saw Carl looking throug

ted Carl. "Missed him," he

turned, and took his companion by the throat. The epithets he exhausted upon

ht to know, by this time, that the blood of the Anselms

d! Did I not order

moment, I would have fired that pistol. I wi

ur blood is like fire. He calculates every chance; you act upon the first thought which enters your crazy head. You have, doubtless,

ly. "I care[77] not. You had better look to

, and he begun to conciliate the man. This

just as I fired. What has happened to me? Is my aim go

in the aspect of affairs. The works were now brilliantly lighted. Pitch-pine torches blazed in every crevice; th

d," cried a voice f

wo men came out. They were Captain Holmes and Barlow. Calli

Holmes, "and know I have authority. W

refused, and kept on your course! I was not in a position then to enforce my commands. I had even made up my mind to tolerate you, as well

do you

a cheat


horses which are

o know better

l. There is one vagabond among you whom I will give forty str


is his

n Bain

What has Bost

never been born. He sold a horse to one of my council for a very high price, boug

intend to


m again. Boston is a cheat in one way. But to business. You have run out

e man whom your country would not honor, and who came to us for his due. You must break up this t

ands, sir. I will say that

ee the


arms in t

e very rusty. You don't

e we shall ta

ean you will t

id Van Zandt, speakin

w, returning the Dutchman's

my monarch, king of England. I care nothing for other powers. My force is not large; but, while I or any of my officers or men can lift a


peak p

mpted by one of your men. We know him. His name is Ca


and missed my lieutenant here, or rather wounde


While the captain was on one side of the building, his servant snapped a pistol at one o

il!" cri

ements, sir. You climbed over the wall and listened at the chink

earth?" muttered Joseph

ou climbed the wall first, and as your back was turned, C

l me, if you will do so

ends to give him, let me say that I have my eye on this Carl Anselm. If he falls into my hands he shall not taste a whipping-post, but he shall ha

use to s

dvise you to cle

must light upon yo

ough to man it. If you try to take it you will[80] have to fight. I

him of his senses. Rising quickly, the two turned toward the stockade. There were seven men between them and the gate-unarmed, however, as they had intended to overpower the officers-not to harm them. Holmes measured the distance to the gate with his eye, threw forward his chest, bringing his fists up to his sides. The Dutchmen gathered in a body to seize them as they started to run for the gate. As the two men came near they increased their speed, and came down upon the

rison. "Say the word, captain, and we

hink too much of my men. Wh

h, sir, if you could only have seen the blow the lie

troke at him. I will

n, sir," said one of the me

hit him; only give him a hint to k


his men in the woods and made ready for the attack. Holmes threw more wood

ill try it," asked t

plied. "We are ready

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