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The Peddler Spy


Word Count: 2661    |    Released on: 20/11/2017

, so Van Curter told them, were heavy bars of seasoned wood, tough and elastic as so much steel, set into iron rings upon either side of the door. These bars were four in number,

en bars. These particulars they gained from Van Curter, who was angry at the young captain for refusing to yield. He determined to try him

, seriously, that you intend to keep my daughter in th


ou at once cancel a

ay. I will make a n

y daughter and

I wil


re-no fighting with cudgels, as we fought at Windsor. But, with bullet, knife and sword we will make the house good. Every ball from a rifle which enters this house will put the life of yo

ge had taken place in him! His hair, before rugged and unkempt, was now allowed to fall loose upon his shoulders after the manner of the cavaliers. He was carefully

e you[91] in his own person, Lieutenant Robert Holmes. What is this I hear? Does yonder knave dare to make wo

I know my power. The fair Theresa is in my hands; Katrine is in those of Carl Anselm. Believe me when I say that they might better be in the hand

quick glance from man to man, to see if every face looked as ghastly as each felt his o

iends for many years, and that I have ever listened kindly to your suit. You are

and when that hope is gone, you shall have your d

villain. Do you not h

up the work like a coward, a

cried Van Curter, striking his hand upon his

eth unless he forces it upon me. Your young

ridge no more. "Or my right hand has forgot its cun

surety have I that I should ever



rd of Boston

ere in his place, a man of honor and

linquish it I will not. Go your ways, Lieutenant Boston Bainbridge Hol

he house, and by underhand means to gain an entrance. This was communicated to the defenders of the house, and every one appeared to leave the spot. Leaving the window to the care of one of his men, the Dutch capt

ph, "and do me the favor to keep your ear f

y here," rep

rejoinder. "Must I send for Carl

ed the girl. "A

I sent for Bainbridge, o

"Is he indeed dead? Tell me when and by whose hand. I heard yo

Boston Bainbridge is no more. The man whose voice yo

bolt the door upon the inside, so that Carl, who had uttered fearful threats since she had been


His fate was following him so close that it appalled him. He begun to doubt if, after all, he should succe

ou come?"

in my heart. Do what you can, be cold or disdainful, the feeling is the same. You have made me a desperate m


e cross on his breast) "that you will never marry another

ve brought to life a more wicked one than this. No, Joseph Van Zandt, you have had my

thing worse than death. Reflect, too, that this fate shall be yours, and that of the sniveling fool in the next room, if you refu

ll prot

t you. Perhaps He will batter down these strong gates, and let your frie

The heart of a dog beats in your breast. You threaten a woman, and make her love for her friends work against her for your own foul ends. You never had on

he wall of the room, gnawing his nether lip with such energy that the blood started from beneath h

re to open that door now, I should kill her. I am getting mad, I think. Was I not rig

. He is a brave fellow

tone in which he speaks! Will he take her, now that she is in a more lowly station

plighted to a woman. I have given your little fool a bitter pill to swallow. I told her he was dead. She heard enough o

ot tell where they are gone. The rest sit out

do you

is your friend Barlow. What if

dows are

e. What is to hinder the

trength to open one, even if they could get a signal

k went out of the gate. After that, I



it is

uld do it. I begin to resp

was at the w

ce is ov

hey co


dy, then. Where is

e, s

that B

r work to do. When Robert Holmes

lowly. They are well versed in woodcraft. Something different from the way our bl

le became the mark of a bullet. One of Van Zandt's men was shot through the head before they had been in action five minutes. The defenders saw that it was no boys'-play now, and hesitated about approaching the windows. The captain ordered them a

ting to the other loop. "If they get u

and the strong bar dropped into its place before the door

door-good. When these dear creatures in the next room come for us we may not be[

aid Katrine, ris

an lie, and you know it. Hold this s

ut saber which hung from a pair of branching antlers over her head

ck good blows for the honor of his nation. May i

isted her best efforts. Seeing the uselessness of this attempt, she begun to cut away the inner fastenings of the lattice bars, and with the aid of the now active Kat

ispered Theresa.

scape. The shots had begun to fall about the building. Katrine passed

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