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Twist in time

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1464    |    Released on: 07/12/2020

ady to leave home. At the time a car c

aine's face popped

hen Iam sitting next to her."Explain" she opened the door. I sat

she s

ing so mysteriously handsome"the word han

r the story. Go on and on" she smiled b

anks. Today he showed up again. We talked for a while and some thief entered bash Cafe. They threatened everyone but he moved fo

ow he got no injure

ner seen with his eyes that Chris

the owner

to change the topic." so there'

about him. Now tell me where exactly he saved you from the accident. I

I am thinking right?" as I told Maddy's face is we

mysterious boy face" I tried not to smile but I can't resist. The reas

, timings ectera.." she ordered me. It's a good thing I remembered everything. After some

e road talking on his phone. He looked at me when the car was about to hit me. I saw him moving forward at an ultra-speed and caught me at th

possible? "

faster. It's weird". A shiver ran down

go home" I stood


all the class. Maybe I will get some

ead my way back

tammered when she

d. She's the only person who can act


good thing. But there's no guarantee cause they are fighting almost all

to talk with yo


my bag down and sat near t

e right in my chest. For a second, I was wondering what made them so calm and peac


d and we want to decide where you will be st

t shocked and angry. I have a choice t

you" I pointed

Where do you think you

don't want to be with you" I st

her or I will go somewhere else. If I could say the tru

e option. I won't

fights every day. What's done is done. I will stay somewhere else" I rushed into my room wi

ks. They always drive me crazy now they are going to be separat

d the door, you are not going anywhere" she told

parent won't do something li

aid and I heard the footste

myself. I quickly took my phone and messaged Madelain

. But try to come

this ducking window. Who d

I mean

a: fu

break the window. I stuck in the room for m

am late, I am in y

et me out" I whi

he window open and I heard som

" I turned to see

ut. How did you get her

en on the robot instead of voice. Seriously, how can it

size?it didn't reply but moved towards the window and r

at it. In reply, it shook its head.

from your room?" my mom

id stepped outside it. su

an towards me. Goosebumps raised on my skin, I fastly t

I closed my eyes knowing that I am g

Madelaine. She caught me and slowly put me down. ' you look so thin

we ran towards outside. Both mom and dad came to

she shouted

your face again," I said and g

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