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Twist in time

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1377    |    Released on: 11/12/2020

ings are still in my home but I don't wanna go back. A

home and she allotted me a room and I don't think of any other things. If I think about my

entions but also in cooking? a multi-talented person. No, I will buy something."Bye see you later and I will take your car" I ran into her car

a sudden." whoa, it's you, Stella. you real

I beamed

ppy. One Daybreak

she was distracted

king at, " she turned

new guy in

rinciple room now and someone was talki

and stays single. Then I waited with her. Finally, the door opened and a boy came out a

" I mu

im" Hazel b

owards him. I am not mad right now but I reall

g. I am sorry I ran

d to scold him. He's not my friend. We just met two times.

ined here"

hing" he took his bag and search

I found out where you are studying." I was dumb

erything" but I accid

I didn't. I just

e with his blue eyes, brown hair. Every time I see him, I am admiring him

r.got to go"I waved a

h my name slowly. I turne

th are having

r a minute"Umm

surely be pissed off if he talks to me but

roduced him to me" hazel looked mad and t

urely do it after class"

he turned towards

ver from where we

net except earth" how many times people's gonna say

id. Who will say somethin

Alaric sta

I am opp

w student. Next, did you go to some other planet or you have any proof. You

t nothing exists in other

sk me. Have you been l

you. You go on, " he said and cut off the conversation. Alaric turned away and started teaching.

me outside of the classroom."

riday. So are you com

t think

ow can I say no to her? I don't like parties, I am not that type. The worst thing I hate the pe


he bounced off a

also invite the ne

r the new boy Chris, " I dou

nd saw something soo heartbre

hout control. He heard me an

girl whispered in his ear. She doesn't

later, " he said a

nother step"

n...It's not what you think" he

ough to prove you are true. Try harder

in the hallway. Eve

tone. But then I heard some slap sound. He

of you." Adam looked embarrassed an

I got r

ort time but he's helping me. I said nothing but stared at me. I think C

someone like this"suddenly

e touched my chee

t only a

him about my parents. By the time, I finished telling him, I stop

he past is gone. Yo

rst and still, I have hope but nothing changed

ever got"he pulled my face up and looked at me. I am standing next to my locker and h

said everyone slowly and I

d the bell rang again.

er" he left

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