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Twist in time

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1522    |    Released on: 07/12/2020

lked back home to find that my parents have finally stopped fighting but my h

ow can you break it,

imply sitting in th

ust like that" It's a handmade one. It may not be the biggest invention or

d took the broken pieces of it." I don't think I can fix it" I murmured. I left it there and opened the windows. I kept staring outside. I wanted to see the best view of the sky. I wanted t

y mom yelled from outside."Oh no, I am late. It's alrea

I can and didn't utter

ry at you yesterday,"adam sai

ce."I am thinking of having a party at my h


t me" He pleaded. He never does s

see him but he

g the kiss. I can't even remember the last time he kissed me

cting so stupi

right now and I know you are never go

ave a party. If you have some m

out party and yourself," t

money. A

y the party cause I thought of bu

ouldn't follow me to see if I was mad or not. Even though I expected him to do that. I sat in t

g's going


ll me whate

feel like attending the class

r you" she smiled at me and I returned the s

right now is a place to eat or dri

er. Today I just ordered a coffee and took my journal. I love writing diaries but still, nothing good happen

oice. For a second the voice is sexy as hell.

ble to see his looks. But he's so beautiful with his blue sh

e myself. I am Christopher. Call me

dering how you saved me and gone s

like jumping to another house. It seems crazy

iled at him. I d

ot lost in thoughts. You are so careless."

ne or something will take me from this earth to


tells like that," I said

ool. I love it. But this earth is the best planet I eve

ever visited" he ignored my q

e anything


t about fr


When the waiter le

hat note? Any

out myself and daily life. But

without taking

have one. I want life to be happy, interesting with a li

you should keep writing. Don't

his talk. Then the french fries arrived and I started eating it. He


ithout taking my eyes

nt and blushed, no thoughts of food cause nobody told me I am beau

s up," somebod

be kidding me" I

at, "Chris

th a terror expression. The owner bash raised his hand and

e this"Chris snarled an

e humans? Why is he telling the humans? He

nds" the thief yelled

what do you want?" he

ou pathetic creature

re" he smirked wickedly an

-balanced. There's a bang sound at the moment. Did they shoot him?

he thief said with a te

raight through his eyes. The thief looked like he

o the hospital. He sho

et. See no injury," he said

ock. A shiver ran through me when I touched him. I removed

ask as fast as you can"someone shouted on the

" he replied w

o go," C

I hold on to his hands

e bit of anger, and puff vanished. I am again st

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