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36:26 A Chase Encounter

Chapter 4 Episode Four

Word Count: 1142    |    Released on: 01/01/2021


ogged the window. She's thinking about Brian for the umpteenth time today. All she wants t

would have come back to the house. He knows where t

he obvious truth is that she can't afford to live in the luxurious city. It's bad enough she's spending so much on Lucy's tuiti

n finally have time for someone new in her life. Someone who is not ten years younger than h


the cold floor after a long day

ter noticing the small size

n't afford to squander money at the moment because of Lucy and in fact, she'd

not touring New York a little coupled with the fact that she's a first-timer. She'd heard that the hood gets dangerous once it's el

extremely busy, there's something to be done and the life it breaths is next to none. She brought


ok a quick shower and cursed beneath her breath u

bed after and slept


in a nearby restaurant before setting out to the

em of her midi gown. She looked down to see a child of

Jayda bent down to meet

girl shoo

said while Jayda walked her from the entr

at's your name

e" she a

our Mummy

she an

the name o

he answer

She also noticed that Isabelle was in school uniform which co

ur school and from there I'm sure

rom the badge attached to Isabelle's pin

ory school is located in Manhattan and lucky f

cle. She showed the driver the address and then faste

e and it was the security guard wh

one in" He brought out the cell phone to call the s

rought her here when I looked

er parents have been so worr

da on her cheeks before storming

m catching her flight. Just as her cab drove off, a black sedan car pulled

his daughter and the security man was too afr

n asked as he elevat

rmidable but warm when he's around hi

though she's a product of a one night stand

one brought me back t

brought her back to schoo

ly not satisfied that a stranger just dropped his

dropped her" The headmis

something to my daughter? Did you even check if she's intact

something from a clothing store and we got separat

brightest students and I thin

re and then slowly droppe

ou, " Br

ead before leaving the

he black sedan, Brian d

awyer. You are not fit to be

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