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36:26 A Chase Encounter

Chapter 2 Episode Two

Word Count: 1187    |    Released on: 27/12/2020


The Doctor announced after he

d thankfully Donnie was there to catc

She said und

rian? How am I going to tell him his mother is dead

yes as Donnie pulled

troking the length of her hai


with round tables and chairs coupled with balloons and other decorations. Jayda comes out of the house carrying a three-inch vanilla cake while Do

wrong?" She took he

" He dis

of his mother and her best friend. The journey has not been easy, it's been

hought of her godson growing up in an orphanage and worse foster care. Jayda didn't care about the a

y?" Jayda said, knowing it was the only way to get him to talk. Brian hated seeing

call me bad luck and that I'll never b

t did yo

away cause I didn't want

is so lucky to have a sibling who cares for her as much as I a

heodore an

ntioned trio sat and returned to meet Brian after

sked as he watched them

bullying will b


Just, enjoy t

ied wit

he kissed the young

you to

rough shake before heading

ig day. He simply took what he needed to eat and returned to the quiet corner. Jayda was far t

come by babysitting, housekeeping and personal grocery shopper, Jayda has b

the recent robbery attacks in the community. Donnie took Lucy who was already fee

alled him to join he

you this a lot of tim

want to swi

idn't know about the verbal bullying B

be there for you whenever you need me because I'm your mother too and I love you

a minute babe?" D

l continue in the morning. Mak

with a nod and

up?" She

going to keep

y best friend's son, yes I will" she

He leaned forward to kiss her and what he had intended to

Donnie. Let's c

" He said, a bi

le motive he just wanted to give luck a trial. Their sex life has gone from one to zero much to th

love you rig

ed after hesitating

g disconnected from her. They no longer took cigarette puffs at night like before, no impromptu

moving back to Granny's

His eyes b

her Grams willed it to her before her death but Jayda wouldn't b

Grams was disappointed, angry but yet forgiving. She wanted Jayda to come back to the house after realizing her mistake, she waite

d save us would be put to good use. I just

she gave it to you

make everything look

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