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36:26 A Chase Encounter

Chapter 5 Episode Five

Word Count: 943    |    Released on: 01/01/2021


ed into Bri

ian, I didn't kno

ncompetence I have a problem with, " Brian said as he sc

swear. Please don't take L

late to

first and las

you?" He suddenly st

eet the person who brought her back." Brian feared the worst m

at me but please don't take the c

e Brian stood facing the


that" Brian w

d a disappo

this ever happens again consider y

tantly and hugged Brian from the

ing to hire models f

as he walked b

king for models when you have one,

ofessional models like you, " he s

o let you know that if you ever need h

e said, abs

a brief kiss on his cheek

yeballs as she van

for his love and care as well as thinking a child

wanted to have enough money to have her but somehow he went off the tracks when he eve

to Minnesota or see Jayda ever agai

l follows him is the fact that no woman

r lips, hair, her body and to ice it all she had

and has never love

would be living fine. That woman sure knows how to care for her family, unlike most women he'd met who seem to only care ab

yda re

ion worrie


he'd forgot to turn off the Television before sleeping off but it wasn't the

again, a strong hunch made her think it was probably from the neighbours. She was about to mount the stairs when she heard a gunshot and

id and Jayda recognized it b

quickly opened it for the scar

n?" Jayda asked

arted to explain while

ers are already close to my building. I

ger risk you to

nking" She st

lled the next-do

to call t

y said they're on thei

da's door. The two women held o

cops arrive" Jayda picked up her phone and then led

s they heard footsteps ap

one's home, " A de

." Another vo

uld you

h means someone was

upstairs, " a

u check

ry single

do? Time is

n is h

th this house." The footsteps hurriedly marched out of

out of hiding when they w

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