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Chapter 8 A simpleton

Word Count: 969    |    Released on: 29/12/2020

ched the top position in the department. As per his own account he was financed by a senior person, sort of a godfather who also belongs to the same community. Since this chief engineer as a schoolbo

e in the future to promote the interests of the community. The senior person's idea of promoting the boy and in turn to promote the community worked well. The bo

ad a term working as his subordinate engineer. The chief engineer would be very punctual and prompt but as for hones

ong time. Maybe when the office was initially hired, there was no government building available to house the office. It's been a policy by the government to utilize a vacant government building to house a new office irrespective of the building belongs to a certain department or the same department. The hired building may be the only private building available for rent when they started office. Another point of consideration

the bus station was vacant. I approached the owner and requested accommodation in his building. He was reluctant to rent the building to offices on the plea that they wouldn't vacate if required by the owner and the payment of rent wouldn't be punctual. I convinced him pointing to the agreement we would sign on his acceptance covering all the required conditions like the vacation of building on raising a notice one month in advance by the owner and payment of rent at the right time by the tenant. The proposal was nearing finalization and it was on the chief engineer's table. At this juncture, an unexpected turn of events

orks on hand and that this building was his only livelihood. I leave it to the imagination of the readers as to what should've happened. I could've fought for the cause of the new building owner for he lost a private lease of higher amount he was negotiating at the time I approached him on account of the p

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