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Chapter 7 A vagabond and a nomad

Word Count: 2317    |    Released on: 29/12/2020

ntain. It enshrines Lord Lakshmi Narasimhar. Opposite this temple, there's another temple. Here Lord Anjaneyar is in a standing posture. These two temples are lan

re root theories while he was in penance at the Lakshmi Devi temple in the complex of Lakshmi Narasimhar temple. His formulations are still a subject of research all over the world. Even the past President of the USA Mr. Barack Obama is an ardent devotee of Lord Anjaneyar. He's alw

ft. above MSL the other places are really abundant with agricultural lands. There has been always a pleasant weather alternating with shower and shine. This place is home for bodybuilding to heavy t

or food grains. My tenure in this city was a few years. Howe

e. It's a big drainage and it's actually the confluence of several small drains and rainwater storms. Suddenly even as I watched the person, may be a beggar for he was in loin

debt. I took out a fifty rupee note from my purse and went near him. I looked about and ascertained no one was

and it disappeared into the sullage. And the man started laughing like real mad. A passerby looked intently at me and said, "Sir

hat I paid up the debt I owed to the street vendor at Coimbatore. I

vior and left the place. An a

Arapaleshwar is positioned on a pedestal and at the hearth of the sanctum sanctorum facing the east. Underneath the pedestal, it's said there is the body of a yogi who entombed himself alive. Such entombment is termed Jeevasamadhi in vernacular. The presiding deity is Lord Arapalaeshwar and his consort is Aramvalarthanayagi. Though small in size there's a separate sanctum sanctorum for the goddess. The temple is regarded as the place equal to Lord Shiva in Mount Kailash locate

e there this deity is the main source for those who practice witchcraft. Our team never spared any of these places. But we're disappointed as the black plantain trees were uprooted in the torrential rains one year ago. These sages and

another lady professor. Both of them resigned from their high earning jobs only to end up with community welfare. They promote mental and body fitness to those who go to their clinic. Inside the campus of this clinic, there are half a dozen

es orders depending on the number of visitors. The ingredients for cooking including rice are as available locally. They use the stream water for cooking and that makes the magic. The food tastes so delicious even if the recipe is not that crafted. The tribes who inhabit Kolli hills are mostly farmers. They don't cultivate a variety of food crops. They raise pineapple and a kind of rice plant. This apart they have mangoes, jack fruits, and coconut trees. They collect honey in abundance from hives which the bees build in the crevices of hillocks and tree branches. They don't toil much to raise the rice plants or millet or maize plants. The prevailing weather of neither torrid nor humid but balanced helps harvest these food plants. The visitors who pay visits to this hill resort love to buy these fruits and vegetables like brinjal,

and hills and vice versa. During the winter season the road is disrupted by the falling of trees and rock slips. The existing road has seventy hairpin bends located almost one over another for a distance of twenty kilometers. One could travel in half an hour to the foot of hills from Salem at a distance of thirty kilometers. Whereas it takes two hours to go up the hills through the narrow and winding ghat road. This road was originally a bridle path during the British regime. But later on, as population and visitors increased they simply strengthened and blacktopped the existing road. However, they felt the ne

out the presence of the lady who was nude and who was watching the workers. Since there was no lady member in our group the retinue wanted to visit the farmhouse located in the middle of the plateau. So we marched toward the farmhouse. Before we could reach, as if by intuition the nude lady turned around and we're flabbergasted for she wasn't but he was. It was a white man

your Lord i

r since he moved over here from London two years ag

hills one hundred years ago. They're missionaries. There's only the chapel remaining here on the western side that reminds them of their presence. My misfortune I had to

to leave Dan whereupon one of

see to them off at the entrance, " Dan said as w

in the presence of his woman worker Dan stood unruffled in bath suit. But the holy ash and vermilion

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