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Chapter 6 A street vendor

Word Count: 1077    |    Released on: 29/12/2020

in Coimbatore. It was a state-level conference and it was to discuss ways and means to procure adequate funds from the government. I repres

t in the bus station I walked to the nearby bazaar. It's always thrilling to watch people shop rather than shopping ourselves. There was a famous restaurant. People make it a point to visit it whenever

yellow is most preferred for the auspicious color. While nearing the bus station I crossed the famous English bakery. This bakery has been there since British times. Their bakes are very famous and delicious. I bought the flowers as my wife would love wearing them on her plaits. But my little son would crave cookies and cakes. I looked at the watch. It's still half an hour to nine o'clock. I hurriedly packed a quarter kilo of butter cookies and half a doz

icket counter and managed to get a token though there was a heavy rush. Left with only five minutes, I summoned r

cient money. Maybe I missed it somewhere. Please give me ten rupees sir. I saw you getting a token to travel to Salem. I

shaw for twenty rupees to go back to the office so that I could halt free of cost and leave the next day early morning after taking money from some colleague. But if I didn't reach home my son would be disappointed. He would await me with great

brother. I'm in a ru

ve been loitering here quite for some time. You look so pale. Tell m

ll edible snacks he had stored in the cart. Seeing me looking at the snacks he

. I've a problem

me. You wan

ess in his behavior but where'd I place the

endor the reason be

his name and address. Before I had time to exchange a few words the bus was moving to leave. The vendor pointing to the bus said, "Sundar please get i

self awake. I scooped my boy and he was so happy. "S

joy as he duly receiv

l of a sudden when I was struck with a predicament. One would be interested if I returned the fifty rupees to him on

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