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Forever Yours: From the start till the end

Chapter 3 Detention

Word Count: 1005    |    Released on: 10/01/2021


ction, but then I felt the footsteps retreating, becomin

ould really get ove

hell are you doing to your friend. I mean, did

een transferred


u don't behave lik

nager for

know, he has a girlfri

feel that g

ou, you have an everl

not the reason,

having that stupid crush on som

care if you appr

ieve me,

I want to do some r

detective is here,

ed from my life after 4 years of our friendship, and remember just nothing of it, but she's good. She has

I said and we went back to our


tantly staring at each other and smiling. Yea, I noticed that a few times. But then I noticed Evelyn. She looked at me with a

you're picking on her" she whispered, and I cringed at that th

burst out laughi

teacher snapped at me, and I coul

eave!" she yelled and I left the c


by boring books all over when I heard

aded when a pair of legs followed he

irk and said, "Hey, Ms. QUINN" he said in the sam

said to him, in a friendly manner, as

someone, " he said and I was damn s


some private time, M

and not wanting him to call me Ms.

I have a name, Hanna

it struck to me, I should've changed my

will you, I suppose please, give us some privacy and plea

truck. WHAT THE HE

I ain't going anywhere for your stupid private time!" I sa

wanna leave me alone, do you?" he asked and that que

is standing at the gate, and she's looking at you just like a slut!!" I blurted out, and then


I said as I saw

e consequences, Ms. Ha


Sam kept a hand on my shoulder, partially

" he said and then took out his phone, and before I could

E PHOTO OF ANY GIRL LIKE THAT!!" I yelled, but he sm

hone. I tried to stop her, but Ryan stood like a freaking wal

, Ms. Quinn!?!" he sai


I'll surely die of

ete it right n

aid, and I had no other bloody option than to apologize. "Sorry, " I said, she smirked, foll

ake he

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