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Forever Yours: From the start till the end

Chapter 4 She's a bitch

Word Count: 790    |    Released on: 10/01/2021


as changed…" I said as the

crush on such a boy, " she said. "So now

said with a dis

sake, don't crush on

ing is known as

to make her pay!" I

ask about her t

ou gather her information

he said and handed m

k a l

always clings to rich guys and l

ead, because, I knew she isn't right, bu

boyfriends you k

as dated them,

my boyfriends have ha

he point,

lfriends again

am, what's

ow boyfriends and girlfriends, I'm relate

was unex

to time, so that no one will

amily? I mean, how ca

r was there, left her when he came to kn

earn that she c

towards a table and sat down. We

t? W

ed towards a point. I met with a burning gaze

am I gonna a

who pays

because it non


nd went towards him. Evelyn wasn't a

to answer

e said wit

for Evelyn


you care

se my girl's here" he said an

her mother pay

s the bloody one

out of your min

in love and all? She does that, taming a

, Ryan Swift wasn't

annah. I think you don't know. I don't k



id and we had a go

She's never wrong when she gathers any information. It's 100% accu

also got over. I went home with Sam. No, we

said as my mom o

m, " sh

ays gives her priori

, making me roll my eyes,

, " she said.

nd went inside. She pulled me in

with Sam i

out Ryan? I mean she knows everything a

. Mom's advice i

id and went

in the k

, " I said and sh


What shoul

our s

me class,

you is that... Y

? Moo

nt him to gain h


ht, kiddo. I suggest you sho

om, wh

e you l

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