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Forever Yours: From the start till the end

Forever Yours: From the start till the end

Author: Lexi

Chapter 1 He's Back and He's Bad

Word Count: 1049    |    Released on: 10/01/2021

eving what my pretty small eyes saw. I was quite mesmer

our and looks exactly like you descri

. But

ter" she replied and le

e doesn't remember me. Doesn't recognise me and that's wha

h on him sin

t me for a while, making me realise that I'm not the one he know

rl to stare at a boy

yes again after all these years, when I knew it just wa

t seen me. So, yea, I was looking in those eyes sideways. Just then his gaze turned towards me, and I didn't notice it until

" someone

ense that it's no one else's than Ryan. But the voice has deepene

not knowing how to react. I even

eeting his eyes, cause they do diff

e me!" he said. I lo

d he ju

I asked

said and I could really feel the embarrassment pass through me s

washroom. As expected, Sam wa

ly changed! I'm out of my mind right now... He was so shy and so quiet before... An

! It's fine!! He doesn

t! And he

ssroom. I and she were bench mates, so we sat together. Well, it was t

down, " Sam said to me again, as

t what can I do? It's bad for me as much as it is

when I haven't met hi

. She h

now, he was cool and talked in a decent manner. He was a


I now know, is that he's a comple

e you still have




derstand! I mean just

't! I

lass is gonna st

to come. But someone else came at the door followed

yan, & I are in

barrassed. I was startled when I felt a breath on my neck.

hat increased my heartbeat to god-knows-which

ting behind you" he sa

st kill me

and sat on his seat. While I was earning glare


that the total length was 40 minutes, and it's

d to her. Usually, teachers don't allow two students to

ich washroom


said and

fast pace, I walked and walked and didn't stop until the wa

ho came to me a li

h time!!" I yelled as

ad to act like it was so ur

listen. What the he

l happened to him six years back? I never asked



ne. I'll

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