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He's my beast

Chapter 2 He's mine

Word Count: 1151    |    Released on: 13/01/2021

He was trying to protect me. He is not the bad guy here!" Snow

rt and kept on hitting him, yet Ang

us guy? Is it me, uh?"

eared that her words would cau

ne, you are right! I am a dangerous man. Now leave with me before I take out al

nd you do not deserve her or her friendship."

this, and she knew it. The only crime that he committed was standing u

this way. You look more of a monster, and not the guy I grew up with for

outh, and his eyes seemed burdened with hostility and pain. He gr

e screamed as Kelvin ya


the sound seemed to have come from the direction of the aban

screaming?" She

is no way he could be the one screaming."

he felt eager to run back to the old house and check on him. Yet Snow suppressed

and not him! And for the last time, stop calling him a fre

his smile disappeared from his fa

do you know about Angel except for the fact that Mr. William adopted

e wanted to find the right answer that would shut him

all the evidence I need to know that he

and notice me? I am right here. Since we were kids, I have always been by your side,

use, and that did not bother her since the only

daughter at the front of their h

aughter as I promised. Now, it is tim

rd, and she was about to enter the

" She

e guy for you, and he's not as right

Snow asked before bursting into

understand his intention because Angel has clouded your judgment. I dislike him! He has a destruct

nothing wrong to you and dad, so why do you g

ldn't un

now, the only reason I can come up wit

hing about this boy. He showed up out of nowhere, a

and can't speak, that made

ith her child since each remark she made only

g about this world that we live in, and you are sti

months to be eighteen. So I am not that

es not matter. What's important right now is that y

fine! But he's not your friend, he is mine! He is my fre

ith nonsense, and now you can't even respect your parent

not for you

't be allowed to leave this house without my permission! Do you und

h, she believed that it was the worst punishment that she had received in her li

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